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It's funny how people believe a perfect family consists of a mum a dad a brother and a sister, because my perfect family consists of my two dads and my little brother Caleb. I'm not embarrassed or ashamed of having two dads infact it's amazing! They allow me to be myself and to feel comfortable around them which as their daughter I appreciate so much. Yeah sure I'm asked about it a lot, people come up to me and ask what its like, if it feels weird, and other stuff like that which I obviously don't mind. I will admit though sometimes people can get to me. I'll see strangers walking by and just start to stare at us like we are aliens from another planet. My dads tell me to brush it off and not worry about what people think but it's just so hard to do that.

I've been extremely busy with work and I honestly just need a little break from it all so i decided that I should go on holiday! Which is exactly what I'm going to do. I finish packing my stuff and I have to go say bye to my family before I go.

"Bye Dad I'll miss you!" I say to my dad his real name is Ben. He's got brown hair and green eyes. I call him the joker sometimes because of how much he loves to crack a good joke...even when they can be terrible jokes.

"I'll miss you to princess" he gets up and gives my a big bear hug.

"Where's my goodbye sweetheart?" My other dad asks me, his real name is Jacob and I like to call him my father so don't get them confused.

"Right here father!" I give him a bear hug as well and I tell him I'll miss him

"Ok bye guys I love you! When Caleb gets back from work tell him I love him please"

"Will do sugar! Now go on that we'll deserved holiday of yours!"

"Thanks dad bye" I say as I walk out the door, vacation I'm officially about to be on vacation.


"IM OFFICIALLY ON VACATION!" I say happily as I fall onto the bed of my hotel room. Great finally I get to enjoy myself and do nothing for two weeks! Exactly what I've needed! A break from everything, a chance for me to breathe and let loose! This is my life and I'm going to live it to the fullest and who's gonna stop me?? NO ONE

Might I say how beautiful Ireland is I mean I'm just looking out the window of my hotel and I see flowers galore and the ocean is sparkling in the light. Wow just wow this, this is perfect I tell myself. Ok I'm officially not answering anyone because while I'm here I'm free and I'm not letting anyone ruin my relaxing vacation not even...ring ring ring my phone starts to ring great someone is trying to ruin my fun I roll my eyes and pick up. "Hello?" I say

"Hey sis!" I hear the voice of my brother. Good god what the fuck does he want.

"Ok Caleb what do you want?"

"Can you bring me home an Ireland hoodie?" He asks his voice filled with hope. Damn it hasn't even been 24 hours and he's already asking for a hoodie

"Fine" I say

"Great thanks sis! Your the best!"

"Yeah yeah I know now don't bother me ok bye!" I hang up the phone. Ok now I'm ready to relax and NOW nothing is going to stop me nothing at all...

Authors Note-
I hope you guys enjoy this so far!

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