The club

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Leah Pov
Literally the second we walked into the club Katie and Ruesha were already acting like two drunk teenagers. We didn't even make it two steps before they found each others lips.

"Really guys? It hasn't even been twenty seconds" I said obviously annoyed

"Jeez Leah mate, chill out" Katie started "let's get some drinks and then maybe Leah can meet her own little "friend'" Katie announced
Which I noticed she really made sure to emphasize the friend.

We all go to the bar to order some drinks. Katie and Ruesha get some shots while I wait for my turn to get some water. As I'm waiting for the bartender to come over to me I spot the most beautiful girl in the whole world. I watch her as she stirs her drink around while a small smile creeps on her face.

"Ohhh I think Leah has eyes for that girl"
Katie says smirking.

"Oh shut up Katie" I told her still admiring the beauty in front of me.

I didn't even realize I was staring until words came out of those plump very kissable lips of hers.

"Stop staring" she says as she looks at me.

"Sorry, just enjoying the incredible view" I said smirking. Im not gonna lie she didn't look impressed but a small chuckle left her mouth.

"Hmm I didn't know the back of my head was a good view blondey" she said smirking at me

Ok I'm being honest I think I actually died right then and there. Her smirk gosh is was so perfect and the shimmer in her eyes. wow just wow

My eyes wonder all over her body but they keep wondering to her quite large breasts...snap out of it don't even know her.

"Excuse me miss, my eyes are up here" she said pointing to her head. Omg I felt so embarrassed

I looked at her beautiful blueish eyes and without thinking I ask her something I'll never come to regret.

"Hey beautiful, would you fancy a dance with me?" I found my confidence again. Good job me I'm very proud of you me!!

"Fancy? I'm sorry I'm not quite sure what that means." She say's genuinely confused, omg she's American she's fucking American no wonder why she's so hot!

"Oh um fancy it's kind of like-uhm-never mind what it means, would you care to dance?" I ask her again and this time I hold my hand out for her to grab which she takes.

"I'd love to" she says as her perfectly straight dirty blonde hair flowed in the club, and her dress...don't even get me started with her dress. Because holy shit it showed off her gorgeous body. What is this girl doing to me?
I took a look around the club to see Katie and Ruesha making out so I know they are ok.

Me and the girl who I soon found out was named Ryenn found our way to the dance floor. I know we was really drunk but damn. The way she was dancing against me, rubbing her bum against my private part was so fucking hot....I don't know if it was just me or if she could to feel the sexual tension between the two of us because I could feel it from a mile away.

After a few hours of dancing and chatting to Ryenn I found myself feeling a feeling I hadn't felt in ages...I think I-I am forming a crush on her which scares me...a lot


Ryenn POV
This beautiful girl named Leah has been flirting and dancing with me all fucking night and I'm not lying when I say this but she is super hot. Without even thinking or processing it in my brain I quickly blurted out the words "hey hottie, let's get out of here"

She looked at me a little confused and answered me with a "but everything I want is here I mean drinks are here and you are here"

I smirked at her "oh yeah? Well then what can I do to make you come with me?" I asked probably sounding desperate. I wanted to spend time with Leah but I was also so tired.

"Well there might be a few things" she said with a huge smirk on her face

"Well I can do a few things to you that I think you'll enjoy"

"Can't wait Ry! She says with a huge smirk while she's blushing like crazy.

I called as taxi and he dropped us off at my place.

Authors Note

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed it, I was thinking if you guys wanted me to write some smut or not

My London girl Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora