#Fleeting shadows#

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Eldoria, a place where grand castles and ancient traditions prevailed, a web of intrigue and deception was about to be spun.


One fine evening, in the magnificent halls of the grand palace, a whirlwind of activity consumed the air. Vibrant banners were unfurled, delicate flowers were meticulously arranged, and shimmering chandeliers bathed the opulent rooms in a warm, ethereal glow. The palace was abuzz with anticipation and excitement as the final preparations were made for the coronation ceremony of the beloved Crown Prince.

Amidst the flurry of decorators, servants, and courtiers, a stranger slithered unnoticed through the labyrinthine corridors. Cloaked in shadows and shrouded by the frenetic atmosphere, this mysterious interloper seized the opportunity presented by the chaos that enveloped the palace. With a calculated audacity, he breached the seemingly impenetrable fortress, slipping past watchful eyes.

As daylight waned and dusk began its gentle descent upon the palace, the final beams of the setting sun cast long shadows, enveloping the grand halls in a cloak of mystery. Gates and doors were dutifully locked, sealing the inhabitants within the gilded walls. Yet unbeknownst to all, the stranger remained concealed within those very walls, either a master of stealth or an accomplice of the treacherous mind that orchestrated this intricate plan.

The palace settled into an uneasy tranquility, oblivious to the impending danger lurking within its corridors. The prince's coronation eve was meant to be a celebration of unity and hope, a momentous occasion where the kingdom would witness the rise of their future leader. But unbeknownst to the jubilant crowd, a malevolent plot brewed beneath the surface, threatening to shatter the harmony that seemed so assured.

As the final embers of daylight faded and darkness cast its spell, the stranger, with bated breath, ventured forth from his hidden refuge. Like a phantom, he moved with eerie silence, navigating the labyrinthine passages, inching closer to his enigmatic objective. Within the palace's hallowed halls, the secrets of his presence intertwined with the fervor of anticipation, an unsettling omen lurking in the shadows.

Little did they know, the true intentions of this intruder were intertwined with a traitorous design, an intricate tapestry woven by the mastermind behind this audacious act. As the night settled in, the stranger's purpose began to take shape, his every step inching him closer to the heart of the palace, where destiny awaited both prince and perpetrator alike.

The palace, consumed by the busyness of the preparations, remained oblivious to the stranger's infiltration. Locked within its luxurious embrace, the inhabitants unwittingly shared their sanctuary with an unseen, malevolent presence. And as the palace slept, dreams of grandeur and triumph clouding their minds, the stranger's presence loomed, a specter that would soon plunge them into the depths of pandemonium.

Thus, the stage was set, the players unaware of the peril that lay dormant within their midst. The stranger had arrived, hidden within the very heart of the palace, and the grand coronation ceremony on the morrow would be the setting for a twisted fate, where the interplay of darkness and light would reveal its secrets and shape the destinies of all who dwelled within these walls.


The moon shone brightly upon the grand day of the coronation, casting its golden light upon the resplendent palace. Anticipation buzzed through the air as the Crown Prince, adorned in regal attire, ascended the ornate dais. The weight of destiny hung in the air as the crown, a symbol of power and responsibility, was poised to be placed upon his head.

As the crown was gently lowered, an arrow whizzed through the air, narrowly missing its intended mark. With a sharp sting, it grazed the prince's earlobe, eliciting a gasp of pain. Momentarily stunned, the prince composed himself, his eyes flashing with determination. "Seize that perpetrator!" he commanded, his voice firm and resolute.

In an instant, the atmosphere shifted from one of jubilation to a frenzied pursuit. The guards sprang into action, their armor clanking as they surged forward, their gazes locked upon the fleeting shadows of the night. Determined to bring the assailant to justice, they pursued the mysterious figure, their hearts pounding in their chests.

Through the labyrinthine halls and dimly lit corridors, the guards raced, their footsteps echoing amidst the grandeur of the palace. Their torches illuminated the path, casting flickering light upon ornate tapestries and gleaming marble statues. Each corner turned, each door opened revealed no trace of the perpetrator. It was as if the shadows themselves had swallowed them whole.

As the guards scoured every nook and cranny, whispers of confusion and concern began to spread among the gathered courtiers and guests. Murmurs filled the air, speculation intermingling with fear. How had an intruder breached the seemingly impenetrable fortress? Who was behind this audacious attempt on the prince's life?

In the midst of the commotion, the prince, his ear still throbbing, remained resolute. He refused to let fear cloud his judgment or hinder the celebration of this momentous occasion. With unwavering resolve, he addressed the gathered crowd, his voice projecting strength and resilience.

"Today, we stand united against those who would seek to sow chaos and fear," the prince declared, his words ringing out with unwavering conviction. "Let us not be deterred by this act of cowardice. We shall uncover the truth, bring justice to those responsible, and forge a future stronger than ever before."

The prince's words resonated through the halls, instilling a renewed sense of purpose within the hearts of those present. The pursuit continued, guards redoubling their efforts, their determination unyielding. The palace, once a place of celebration, now crackled with an undercurrent of tension and anticipation.

As the guards ventured deeper into the labyrinth of the palace, their steps measured and their senses heightened, they knew that capturing the elusive wanderer was not only a matter of duty but a test of their loyalty and resolve. They were determined to bring this shadowy figure into the light and unveil the truth behind the attempt on the prince's life.

The hunt for the enigmatic wanderer had only just begun, and as the palace trembled with a mixture of unease and determination, the fates of all involved were intricately woven together, teetering on the precipice of discovery and the unraveling of the grand tapestry of deceit that shrouded their lives...


This story, isn't another one of my stories, it is only for the contest and I'd be happy to hear that you loved it to assure me that my audience, to whom I'm submitting it to, would consider me for the contest.

Pleasure: Miss Chiadi_Kobi.

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