6. Boris the wolf

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It was a wolf with clothes the size of a man, handcuffed. Joey laughed. "My staff designed this, it's clumsy and untalented, and it's there to make you look better." Boris really didn't look very smart. His fear of Joey was written all over his face. He was shaking.From then on, Boris and Bendy always performed together. Boris always only played the supporting role. And with his clumsy looks, he really only served to make Bendy look better. Boris was never tortured, but he always heard Bendy's pleading and pained screams when he was being tortured when Joey wanted him to get even better. Boris was just sitting on a rickety bench with a chain on his leg attached to a heavy ball in a small area with permanent damage. He was tired. He pressed on the wound from which ink (blood in Bendy's case) flowed. Boris looked at him pityingly. He tried to take care of Bendy as best he could. Suddenly Bendy fell to his knees and gasped. "Bendy!" Boris cried out and ran towards Bendy. Boris' chain was at least enough to run to Bendy. Bendy vomited. He spat a large black ink larch (blood in Bendy's case). Then he fell, weakened, onto his side , writhing in pain. Boris knelt in front of Bendy. "Everything alright & Bendy?! That's the 3rd time this week!" asked Boris Bendy. "Sh-It's alright Boris. T-thank you." Bendy answered quietly and smiled slightly. Boris looked at Bendy again worriedly, then he slowly walked back to his bench. Suddenly the door creaked and opened a crack. Something was quickly thrown onto Boris' bench thrown, and the door closed again. Boris looked up to see what had landed on his bench. It was half a sandwich that Joey had stolen from the insomniac Sammy Lawrence at lunchtime. Apparently it was just for Boris that the food. But anyway he broke off half of it, took it to Bendy and put it down for him. Bendy slowly opened his eyes. "Eat Bendy, you have to!" Whispered to Boris Bendy. Bendy slowly sat up, took the sandwich and slowly began to eat. It was difficult for him to bite at all. The door creaked again, but now opened fully. His frame was Joey Drew.

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