7. The Last Appearance

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Joey drew Stand in the doorway. "The next show starts on Bendy." Said Joey with a key, a collar and handcuffs in his hands. He grabbed Bendy to unlock his leg irons and put a collar and handcuffs on him. Bendy's face was pained, but he still didn't say a word. ". Stop it! You can't just take him away again! He's sick and injured!" yelled Boris suddenly and angrily walked towards Joey Drew. "Shut up you mutt!!!" However, Joey yelled back and threw him across the room. Then he grabbed Boris and handcuffed him. Now Boris reluctantly allowed himself to be dragged along. "Also." Joey said to Bendy. "Make an effort!" Bendy took a last breath in and then out. Then he put on a smile and took the stage with Boris. It was a great show, even though Bendy got pretty dizzy at times. It was hard to smile all the time when you're not happy, but he did his best. But suddenly Bendy felt as if the world blurred before his eyes and he stopped singing. Immediately the audience screamed. It booed Bendy. Those evil faces... Bendy hated those faces. He got gasping breaths. He looked around. Just shouting and angry faces. The world blurred even more. He looked at his hands and arms in panic. He panicked even more when he saw his ink skin begin to blur. "No. No, no no..." he stammered, breathing heavily as the world began to blur incessantly. Im getting sick. so bad He fell to his knees and gasped. He then vomited and a large ink larch flowed onto the stage. It was this time like never before. He felt a sharp pain in his head and chest. He looked at himself again hastily. He saw the angry faces of all the people. "Humans are evil... Humans are so cruel and evil!!!" He thought while still gasping for breath from one viewer to the next. He covered his eyes with his hands and cried out in rage and pain. The last thing he knew was Boris dropping his saxophone and running to Bendy as fast as he could, and he heard Joey announce over the loudspeaker that they'd be right back after a little interruption, then he suddenly passed out and finally fell over.

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