9. Forever Alone (?)

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That's it. Boris was finally dead. Bendy couldn't believe it. Boris had always taken care of him. He had been like a brother to him. He was his best friend. Bendy stopped making a sound. His head hung down. Joey laughed at Bendy, "WHAT'S UP BENDY?! DID YOU FINALLY RECOGNIZE SOMETHING THAT HE JUST DIED BECAUSE OF YOUR SELF PITY?!!! YES, THAT'S RIGHT!!!! IT'S ONLY YOUR FAULT BENDY!!!!!! YOURS BLAME!!!!!! YOUR SCHU-" Suddenly the chains broke. Joey smile died. He now freed himself from all chains with ease. Pitch black ink ran down his face. Suddenly Bendy grew to a height of two meters. Then he wiped the ink from his eyes and Joey could see his gaze. It was a look of hatred no human had seen before. Joey was suddenly scared to death. Then Bendy laughed and gave Joey a murderous look. He laughed louder. "So Joey, so you want a funny cartoon, yeah!?!" Yelled at Bendy, Joey. "WELL, YOU SHOULD GET THAT!!!!!!! With these words, Bendy quickly ran to the wall and pulled a pipe out of the wall, from which ink squirted out incessantly. Bendy tore the pipe completely out of the wall , knocked over the panicked Joey, and started hitting him with the pipe, several times, laughing psychopathically, hitting him about 20 times, but suddenly he stopped laughing and stopped, he looked at Joey in panic. He backed away when he realized Joey was dead. Bendy stumbled back, still in his six foot tall form. Bendy panicked. "I killed a man, I KILLED A MAN!" Bendy yelled." KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Bendy fell to his knees and screamed. At that moment all the pipes in Joey drews burst and the whole studio filled with ink. It wasn't normal ink, however, but the special ink from the machine. All the employees became short Time captured by the ink and become ink zombies. Bendy is afraid of people because he sees Joey drew in everyone. He also told himself that he was responsible for Boris' death. But deep inside there was still anger that you could turn him into a psycho patch in a few seconds. Bendy still sits in the Joey Drews, crying and attacking everyone he sees.

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