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   *As a side note i headcannon Xander with BPD and David with DID and Anger issues. It's not a major part of the story but it can explain a few things such as behavior!*
Is it weird to have a crush on your friend? I mean sure for some that is a bit..weird..but I can't help it! He's always so outgoing and energetic. Oh the heavens..David Chiem is the most wonderful person on this earth! But..unfortunately he does have a partner. Not a good one to say the least that's for sure. Always berating and criticizing everything David does. It's sickening!
David really is a wonderful friend. I hate to see how the world hurts and corrupts him. Everytime I see it or witness it..it's like a knife going through my heart. I hate seeing him hurt!
I'm in my dorm at the current moment,thinking about David of course. I cant stop thinking about him. He just makes me so happy that I can't even help myself! But of course..common case of one sided love.
David could never love me the way that I love him. Of course..that's the same way for everyone. I always get so fixated on a person that I come off as creepy! I'm not creepy..hahahaha oh no. I just..really want him close to me. Not in a weird way! I just want to hold him that's all. But everyone that even gets close to him makes me jealous. I despise it. I despise my own feelings.
Everytime I get jealous I freeze up and refuse to talk to David! But I still love him..ah feelings are complex. Bloody hell..I wish I wasn't this way.
I'm so..tired of being despised by everyone. I just want to lock myself away and never come back!!

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