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3 weeks. I think? I don't remember anymore. I don't remember what's going on. I don't remember who anyone is. I'm scared. I'm terrified. There's so many people around me and I have no idea what to do. I don't know who anyone is? I'm not angry..
No no why would I be angry about this? Who even am I. I want to leave my room but I'm afraid to be around anyone. What if they're angry at me? Or..David. I know I'm not David.
But I can't tell anyone that. They'll look at me like I'm a freak and like I'm mentally unwell. Of course I could pretend to be David and just mask myself to act like him.
But then again..they might be able to tell.
It hurts my heart to push myself away from David's friends. Especially the man he loves but..it's safer this way than to be portrayed as mentally ill right?
No I don't want that.
I don't want to be stuck in this room anymore. I'm tired of being too exhausted to move from my bed. I'm sick of it.
We will go out tomorrow. We will see Xander if it's the last thing I do. We will hang out for the whole damn day if we have to.
I'm tired of rotting away in the same place for so long. I need to see someone.
But what if he hates us..
What if he never wants to see us again because of this..
What if he's sick of us..them..him..you get the point..
I doubt that will happen.
I don't care if he hates us.
We will go out.
And we WILL see him again.

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