A Long Wait

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Meng: " wow thanks a lot Human! That was sooo embarrassing! I don't think I can even show my face anymore there!" Covering her face with her hands as they all had left Lunasa's gathering.

Nathan: " look I'm sorry! Also my names not human! It's Nathan!" Getting really pissed off at the treatment he's receiving here.

Lebmont: " don't stress. Lunasa's probably planning your death for the next Blood Moon so you have at least a year or less to live." Telling Nathan not to worry if he's gonna die any time soon. Trying to say in a polite way that it'll happen later.

Nathan: " a year?!" Thinking wow they're not making him feel any better.

Ihealryna: " don't worry, you'll probably be dead before than." Trying to make him feel better.

Meng: " I guess this'll be where we part ways" looking at Lebmont, Ihealryna, and Nathan.

Lebmont nodded, as he saw Meng say " well thanks for the adventure. I hope I see you guys down the road." Waving good bye as she left the party.

" I'm gonna miss her" Ihealryna said, thinking she really added that upbeat feeling to the group. But now... it's mostly gonna be gloomy and negative...

Since Lebmont is the quiet silent type, who is brewing over the demon who killed his family. Nathan is a pessimistic person who has feelings of anger and sadness for the trauma he's suffered through loosing his loved ones, friends and family as well as his home/village.

And Ihealryna, who honestly feels like she lost her will to live. Finding the world as a broken record where nothing ever changes. Mostly showing annoyance or boredom. Finding the smallest pleasures in her life in a physically stimulating way of... well... you know...

Lebmont, Ihealryna, and Nathan still stuck together. As they had promised Nathan to help him get revenge on that goblin. But also, Ihealryna had nothing better to do so thought she might as well continue to follow and try to help Lebmont. Lebmont didn't think much of it, if they wanted to follow him fine. If they get hurt that's on them. He was focused on catching Lilith and so they were heading for Greenmont.

They set up camp, building a small make shift den/tent out of wooden sticks, leaves, mud, etc.

To be honestly, Lebmont and Ihealryna acted like an old married couple. You could hear them arguing or giving each other remarks about their input on how the house/home should be/built.

" if you don't like it, you can leave" Lebmont said, too fed up to be putting up with Ihealryna anymore. Thinking he doesn't need her.

" don't get frustrated at me, I'm just trying to help. And by the looks of it you really need it." Ihealryna said, crossing her arms upset at Lebmont for such a rude statement.

Lebmont didn't like the way she was speaking to him. It was in a very mean narcissistic way. Like she was saying that she was better than him and that all she could see was flaws.

Lebmont half heartedly laughed and said " yeah, help" sarcastically. Thinking she's doing anything but.

" fine. Don't listen to me. But when it gets washed away don't come crying to me. I'm just telling you the best way to construct it. But you aren't listening so let your ignorance make you suffer." Ihealryna said, thinking she's trying to help but Lebmont is being so stubborn and it's really pissing her off. Getting reminded why she usually likes to remain alone.

Lebmont: " I've built a ton of shelters before. And this ones just fine." Thinking he's not gonna do extra work or listen to whatever Ihealryna is saying because they don't need to gather thicker branches which'll take more effort to cut down and for what? A day or two's night? Than they're gone! So what's the point? They're not gonna stay there for long- Lebmont thought. But didn't express what he thought to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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