Dance Practice (Pt.8)

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"we wake up due to yeji being noisy waking everyone up."

Yeji: dance practice time!

Ryujin: get up, shower up, get dressed and get ready to practice!

JM: you don't have to yell you know.

Ryujin: it's fun.

Yuna: it's not.

Lia: just wake up.

"We get up, shower, eat breakfast, and dress up to get ready to practice."

Yeji: dance room now!

JM: yes unnie.

"We head to the dance room to practice."

Lia: let's see how much progress you guys have made.

"We play the music and sing while dancing."

Yuna: not bad.

Lia: that's good progress you made so far.

Yeji: you know JM you are so lucky to have won those grade R card packs. SSJYP rarely releases card packs from events for people.

JM: I'm glad to be that lucky fan to even get it.

Lia: true.

Amber: *keeps practicing*

Chaeryeong: get back to practice!

JM: sorry.

"We all keep practicing till we get hungry."

Yuna: I brought some snacks for all of us.

Yeji: thanks.

"We take a quick break."

Ryujin: I'm happy for them, they have the potential to win home an award.

Yeji: did you really just challenge Lia for JM?

Ryujin: sometimes you gotta do what you want to.

Lia: I will not hand him over to you.

Ryujin: he will be mine eventually.

JM: stop fighting about me! I'll decide what happens with my future!

Amber: your concert was awesome btw.

Lia: thanks.

Yuna: *singing Lia's 2nd solo song cover*

JM: *hears it and goes to my room*

Yeji: What's taking JM so long?!

Lia: isn't he supposed to lead these two?

Yeji: he is.

Ryujin: his doors locked.

Lia: The only thing I can think of is that he is crying or he is asleep.

Ryujin: JM can you open the door for me? Please?

JM: go away!

Yuna: *comes out* what's wrong?

Lia: JM won't come out of his room.

Ryujin: can you at least tell me what's wrong?

JM: why don't you ask Yuna!

"Everyone looks at her."

Yuna: what?

Lia: what did you do?

Yuna: I was just singing the 2nd song you sang during the concert.

Chaeryeong: you know well that reminds him of his sister who is fighting for her life for years now! Why would you do that?!

Yuna: I forgot.

Yeji: just apologize to him.

Yuna: JM I'm sorry if I sang that song. I forgot what it meant to you.

JM: *unlocks the door* it's fine.

"We resume with the dance practice and end after a few more hours."

Yeji: let's resume with the dance practice tomorrow morning. Time to call it a day.

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