RED Heavy x RED Medic Part 2

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Medic walked over to Heavy's room and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, it swung open and the Heavy stood in front of him.

"Does Doktor need anything?"

"J-ja. I vas just vondering... Do you like me?"

Heavy tried to avoid eye contact. He knew this was bound to happen, why did he have to get so intimate with the Medic? He tried to change the subject.

"Doktor is best friend-"

"I mean, romantically..."

Both men went bright red.

"Because I-I've been having zhese thoughts about you..."

"Да, I have had as well.."

"And, um. I vanted to know... if you liked me back."

Heavy smiled and picked up Medic.

"Of course I like Doktor! Why else would I do all those things with you?"

The Medic smiled too but then immediately glared at Heavy.

"And you never told me?!"

"Neither did Doktor," the Heavy countered.

"V-vell..." Medic stuttered, "I didn't know how you vould react!"

Heavy chuckled and held Medic to his chest. The Medic looked at the larger man and swung his arms around the other's neck while Heavy held Medic's waist. They leaned closer and closer until their lips met, kissing akwardly but as passionately as they could. The Medic clung onto the Heavy almost ravenously and broke the kiss, snuggling into his shoulder. They were about to go at it again when-


Both men immediately turned their heads to look at the Scout standing in the doorway.

"Vait Scout I can explain!"

But Scout already dashed away, probably to tell everyone else what he just saw.

"Vhat vill ve do now?"

"We wait, Doktor, we wait."

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