I Love You

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Original story by myyla

[Sonic's Home]

Sonic was stressed.

Very stressed.

The little two tailed fox that had been tagging along on his adventures for the better part of a year was gone. That was definitely not how the hero had planned on starting his morning.

He had expected to wake up to a tiny ball of yellow and orange fluff, all snuggled up and peacefully basking in the morning sun. What he got instead was a piece of paper neatly folded and placed on top of the fox's blanket.

How had he not woken up? There was an obvious struggle, as seen by the odd shoe marks on the floor, so he could he have slept through it? He knew he wasn't a heavy sleeper, so either Robotnik has taken silent dancing classes or one of Robotnik's minions managed to silence Tails before he could make noise.

Sonic didn't need to read that note to know that Dr. Robotnik had taken his furry little "brother". Who else could have done it?

However, he did read the note regardless, because he needed to know why the doctor had snatched his fuzzy little friend.

Sonic then remembered the last time the poor kit had been taken, which was almost three ,omths ago to the date. Robotnik had threatened Sonic repeatedly throughout a twenty minute time span that he would turn Tails into a badnik, much like the other friendly little critters all across Mobius.

Thankfully, Robotnik never managed to follow through on his threats, as he was stopped by Sonic before his friendly genius could be turned into a badnik.

This time, it did not seem that Robotnik wanted to do anything with Tails specifically, actually. He just took him to get Sonic to come to his fortress.

"The letter alone would have been enough", Sonic thought bitterly, crushing the note in his hand. He stuffed it in his quills, planning to throw it away after he gets his cutsy accomplice back.

If Robotnik thought his plan was going to go his way, he had another thing coming.

[Robotnik's Base]

"For the fastest thing alive, the hedgehog is sure taking his sweet time to get here", A tall robot, who was built to resemble a chicken, grumbled, his arms crossing over his chest.

"Yeah!", a smaller, green robot agreed with a nod, "he needs to hurry!".

"To be fair, you did take me when the two of us were sleeping", Their prisoner, who was the two tailed fox, pointed out. "I'm presuming he's probably still asleep considering it's only-"

"Nobody asked for your opinion, you brat!", Scratch said while glaring at the fox. 

Grounder, following in the chicken's footsteps, said, "Yeah, so be quiet!". Tails, in response, rolled his eyes as he leaned against the bars of a small bird cage he had been thrown into by Scratch. 

"How in the world could someone as smart as Dr. Robotnik make such stupid robots?", Tails thought to himself.

"I have no idea how Robotnik puts up with you", Tails grumbled while shaking his head and adding, "Considering it's been five minutes and you two are already too much for me-". While he was speaking, the two robots shared a look and then Scratch interrupted with, "Well that's because Dr. Robotnik is a genius!".

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