Do It Again

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Originally story by nixoon

Sonic is angry.

No, scratch that, he is beyond furious.

Tails knows this even though the hedgehog hasn't let out a single word. The fox kit has known him for most - well, technically half - of his life at this point and knows him better than anyone else. 

Tails knows exactly what Sonic is feeling even if he doesn't show it, he can always tell. He can always read him better than most people can. He might as well say he's the best at reading Sonic. It's a given too, considering that he practically raised Tails on his own.

They can both read each other best.

And right now Sonic is angry.

Which is pretty rare. Given that it's directed towards Tails.

He hasn't said anything of course, Tails doubts he's going to do so anytime soon but he knows when he's in trouble that's evadable by utilizing the sheer unadulterated power of his puppy dog eyes and when the eyes aren't gonna cut it.

Mostly, whenever Sonic is upset with him the eyes are enough to break him. Tails will apologize with the smallest voice ever with his ears pinned down to his skull and eyes as big and shimmering as the vast expanse of the ocean that is visible from his bedroom's window and Sonic just has to take one look at his droopy namesakes and it's game over for him. 

The hedgehog would then and pull the kit into a serene one armed embrace and with a, "Don't do it again," - which, in most cases, Tails will definitely do again - they are back to normal.

Then they're playing video games and wrestling each other and going back and forth with throwing quips at each other until they laugh and laugh and laugh so much that they become tired and within moments, they'll be found asleep on top of each other, usually Tails on top of Sonic, on the couch.

Unfortunately, this time, things do not look as good.

Sonic's never been this angry with him.

It scares him a little but he won't admit that, he is just as stubborn as his big brother after all.

The hedgehog is quiet as he carries the fox in his arms, extremely careful in the way he holds his little brother with one arm supporting Tails' back and one looped under his knees. Sonic makes sure to keep the kit's head supported on his chest as he runs the distance back to Mystic Ruins.

Tails dares to take a peek at the hedgehog's expression as he opens his eyes through the harsh wind that crashes against his face and forces his eyes and mouth to stay shut, blowing his bangs up and blocking all coherent sound by crashing in his ears.

Even though they are moving past the spend of sound, Tails feels like they're simply walking home instead of running at full force. Just to make his mental torture worse, Sonic is looking straight ahead. He might as well look like he's only mindful of the path he speeds through but Tails doubts he's thinking beyond, "Get home."

After that, there's probably an earful in store for him but in all honesty though, Tails doesn't feel like any of it is his fault or that he did anything wrong. Unfortunately, that's gonna be hard to get through with Sonic and his head feels too heavy for him to argue with Sonic right now, knowing exactly how stubborn his big brother is.

He can be stubborn too.

But maybe after a pain killer or two.

Tails closes his eyes and lets Sonic take him home.


Sonic kicks the front door open in a rush. Fortunately, it's still on its hinges and probably won't need a repair.

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