Rainy Day

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Originally written by myyla


Blinking at the sudden wet spot on his nose, the blue hedgehog decided to look up at the sky.


He sighed as more pellets of water dripped on him. The amount steadily increasing over the next minute, covering himself and all of his surroundings.

Just great. Water. His favorite thing in the world.


But even as the rain soaked his fur and quills, he did not move. He did not dash to the house he occasionally slept in to get away from the water, as one would expect from Sonic the Hedgehog.

No. He did not move a muscle, except for his head dropping to look at the ground.

He could not bring himself to. The only thing that would get him to run home now was if there was a lightning strike.

Because even if he didn't want to move, he would always run to his little brother's aid. He would always be there to soothe the fox's worries as the sky went on its rampage, lightning striking so randomly you'd never know when to expect the next one.

But that begs the question...

Why didn't he want to move?

It's very unusual for Sonic to want to stay stationary, as it was a commonly known fact the hedgehog could hardly contain his energy, always needing to be on the run.

So why stay?

In water, no less.

Funnily enough, Sonic didn't mind it all too much. The pouring rain fit his current mood perfectly, much better than the partially cloudy sky from minutes ago.

He, Knuckles, and Amy had just returned to their respective homes. They had gone on a mission to break into one of Eggman's bases to steal a Chaos Emerald from him.

They knew he would be up to no good, and quickly decided to put an end to it before it had begun.

Tails had stayed behind, deciding he'd just provide backup in case anything went south.

Nothing did. It was a smooth operation, they were in and out in only a few hours.

But alongside the Chaos Emerald, the group of heroes had found the evil doctor's plans for it.

Plans that included kidnapping his little brother.

For what reason, Sonic didn't know. He hadn't been the one to read them, and he'd stopped listening when Amy got to that part.

It wasn't even the fact Eggman wanted to kidnap Tails that stuck out to the hedgehog. It was actually something the girl had said.

"Hey, I think I found Eggman's plans for the Chaos Emerald!", Amy called to her teammates as they searched for the actual emerald.

"Really?", Sonic said as he prepared to look over, as it wasn't like Eggman to just leave his plans laying out. Maybe he was getting sloppy.

"Yeah", Amy hummed as she skimmed through the papers, mumbling out the words stretched across them.

"Anything of use?", Knuckles asked, glancing over at his younger friend briefly.

"Things needed...three Chaos Emeralds, M4 screws, electronic magnifier, not gonna even try to pronounce that.."

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