Beach trip

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Kallen Kaslana smiled as she chose her swimsuit for the joint swimming trip of House Kaslana and Crozzo, an annual event that served to deepen the bonds between the two families. Due to numerous problems, House Crozzo was not able to attend for a while. 

Yae Rin, her surrogate sister, was dragging her Crozzo-quality bag filled with the clothes she needed for the entire weekend. Rin has surprised both her and Sakura when she told them that she was training under Reinhardt. Don't get her wrong, Kallen thinks Reinhart is a reliable guy but he was a pervert. 

"The bloodline is saved," Rin whispered as she prayed. 

"I think spending time with Crozzo-Kun rotted Rin's brain," Sakura whispered in worry as she looked at her sister. While she was against Rin's training with Reinhardt due to his perversions, the young Crozzo trained Rin properly and even began treating her like a little sister and Rin looked up to him.  She was jealous that Rin looked up to him highly. "She's been repeating those words as if She's in a trance," 

"Kallen, how does it look?" Sakura asked, showing her girlfriend her own swimsuit. 

"It's perfect!" Kallen said with a smile. Sakura blushed as she looked at KAllen, only to raise her brow at the jacket she packed. It was too big for her size and it belonged to a guy. And she knew where it came from. Well, she can't talk since she kept the jacket she borrowed from him once. 


Rex smiled in bliss as he found himself on the beach with a bucket and several shovels. The certain continuation of the Crozzo bloodline has made the youngest fully relaxed, resulting in his current endeavor. He was gonna build a sandcastle. The young man smiled as he started to work while Elysia giggled at the scene.

Her cute little brother was so cute, especially when he was building things. 

Their group arrived at the venue first while Rein would have to follow them since he was finishing some reports and had to pick Rin, Kallen, and Sakura up. Remembering her boyfriend, the young maiden smiled happily, unable to comprehend that she was dating the friend she had. True, he was rude at first but he was just a kind and gentle young man. 

Jack, the uncle of the Crozzos, sighed as he set up the barbecue area. 

"Mine!" Shigure Kira cried out, stealing the meat on his plate. 

Honestly, this woman should stop bothering him... not that he'd like that. 

Reve smiled as he and Rita arrived in their area carrying some groceries. 


Rin smiled as she sat shotgun on Reinhardt's car with her sister and her girlfriend in the back seat. Blissfully uncaring of the pout that appeared on Kallen's face when he barely even paid attention to them. Reinhardt chuckled as he looked at Rin. 

"Rein... I am so happy," Rin said with a smile. "I call dibs," 

"You have to fight those two for it," Reinhardt replied kindly as he drove them to the beach. The girl nodded as both Rex and Reve felt a disturbance in the force. 

"So, what got you in a good mood?" Kallen asked, leaning into him. 

"Move, you're blocking the mirror," Reinhardt said as he gently yet firmly moved her head out of the way of the rearview mirror. 

"R-Reinhardt-kun... are you alright?" Sakura looked at him in shock as she held onto a despondent Kallen. 

"huh? I am, why?" Reinhardt asked as he drove through the streets. 

Kallen was catatonic. For the first time, Reinhardt never perved on her...

That was like trying to stop Rex from committing war crimes or building fortifications. 

A buzz from his phone caught their attention and Reinhardt rose his brow. 

Pinky: Hey~ Where are you? Missing you here. Be here soon.

It was then followed by a selfie of Elysia with one of his hoodies causing him to chuckle. 


After thirty minutes, Rex Crozzo, youngest of the Crozzos smiled triumphantly as he looked at his work. A sand castle complete with a moat and a fully-defensible parameter. 

Fortifications were made. 

The 14-year-old smiled as he started to put some designs on the castle, unaware of the curious blue eyes that watched him do so. 

"Kiana, why don't you go talk to him," Cecilia, her mother, said with a kind smile. 

Kiana's eyes widened as she beamed at her mother. 


"Go ahead," Cecilia said with a smile. 

Hearing this, Ziegfried chuckled as he watched his youngest go while Bianka smiled. 

"Hey! What you doing?" Kiana asked as she leaned towards him with a smile. 

Rex looked at her and back at his sandcastle. 

"I am building fortifications," Rex said as he finished the details. "I'm Rex, Rex Crozzo," he said as he showed her his hand. 

Kiana grinned at this and took his hand. 

"Kiana! Kiana Kaslana of house Kaslana, the future bestest Valkyrie ever," Kiana said with a grin that infected Rex with positive energy. 


Reinhardt chuckled as he and Rin wore their sunglasses and walked at the same pace while carrying their pieces of luggage, the girls went to change first and he knew Elysia was with them. The young man smiled as he watched his brother and a girl with white hair, A Kaslana, manage some fortifications he was building. 

Reve was with Jack, cooking some barbecues. 

Reinhardt blinked as he saw something unusual, Fu Hua and Ren were there as well. Well, Ren was buried under the sand while Fu Hua used his shell as a pillow while sunbathing. 

"Rein! How do I look?" Kallen asked, wearing her swimsuit as she twirled around while Sakura followed her shyly. Kallen just wanted to hear a compliment from her friend. 

"The Bloodline lives!" Rin cried out as she saw Reinhardt's reaction. 

Reinhardt stared at Elysia, unable to say anything

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Reinhardt stared at Elysia, unable to say anything. Feeling her boyfriend's gaze, Elysia blushed gently as she walked ahead. 

"Wow..." Reinhardt whispered as he walked ahead, not noticing the annoyed pout Kallen gave him. "I..." 

Elysuia giggled playfully and closed his mouth for him with a kiss. 

Kallen dropped her ice cream as she stared at the kiss with hollow eyes. 

Elysia smiled as she pulled away and wrapped her arms around the taller male while giving the couple a smug look. 'Mine,' she mouthed as she hugged him. 

Rex looked at the four and shrugged, only to raise a brow when Kiana smiled at the rather pathetic yet adorable castle of her own. her smiles were just infectious. 

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