Zesty ass elf

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Rex said nothing as he sat on his sand throne with a cup of ice cream in his hand he watched from the balcony of his sandy fortification as Kallen held death stares toward his brother. The young man watched as he saw big sis Ely turn bright red when Rein hugged her from behind as she cooked a barbecue. 

'The bloodline continues,' Rex thought as dark eyes glowed red ominously as he devoured his ice cream. 


Reve Crozzo smiled as he cooked some barbecue. Cooking was one of his hobbies and he was good at it. Noticing how Rex could create a sand castle several meters tall with a functional drawbridge and moat, the middle child smiled. 

"Rex! Pork or chicken!" 

"Chicken please!" Rex shouted, peeking his head out of his balcony with sparkling eyes. 

Chuckling, Rita smiled. The young maid had gotten fond of the Crozzo Family. She was initially sent to not only be a maid but a guard as well. At first, it was difficult due to each brother's quirks such as Reinhardt's tendency to spoil his brothers, Reve's tendency to hog the kitchen, and Rex's tendency to create something. 

"Reve, here," Rita said with a smile, handing the young man the chicken part Rex loved to eat. 

"Thank you, Rita," Reve said with a smile, his eyes widening as he looked at her swimsuit. Shit... why do all women he knew have to be so hot. 

"I wouldn't mind if you keep looking." 

Unknown to the two, Rex and Rin peeked toward them simultaneously while lowering their sunglasses. The two, by instinct, looked at each other. 

'The bloodline is secured!' 

"what you looking at?" Kiana asked, peeking over the balcony to copy her new friend. 

"The bloodline is secured," Rex ominously whispered. 

Kiana tilted her head in confusion as she looked at Rex. 


Reinhardt Crozzo smiled as he found himself alone with his girlfriend on the way back from a shopping trip. 

"That looks good on you," Reinhardt said with a smile. 

"Hmm? I know." Elyia said with a smile as she held his hand. Unknown to him but not to Elysia, both Kallen, and Sakura can be seen peeking over a building with a glare aimed at him. "It only took me a few years to get here," Elysia said with a smile, a smug and proud aura around her as she hugged his arm. 

"I'm gonna kill that elf..." Kallen gritted out as she pulled her pistol out. 

Elysia ignored them as she focused on Rein. It took her years of hard work to get a date and she got a boyfriend! It was worth it. Smiling proudly, Elysia smiled and stood on the tip of her toes, stealing a kiss from him. 

"@A@AOAI@OI@AOI@AIOQAIAOI" Kallen bit back her scream as she tried to get out of Sakura's grip with her guns out. That fucking pink-haired, knife-eared bitch ruined her meticulous plan! 

Sakura held her close and glared at Reinhardt as she stopped Kallen. 


back on the beach. 

Bianka Kaslana, blinked as she looked at Reve Crozzo cooking some barbecue. The young Kaslana with dyed blonde hair watched the meat cook. 

"Want one?" Reve asked before chuckling as he saw the drool that escaped her lips. "here you go," Reve said, handing the blonde one. She was just a few years younger than him. 

Love, families, and the Crozzos that love hatesWhere stories live. Discover now