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Take me to the moon I wanna be with the stars. Send me, send me into orbit.

                                 Onika Maraj🫦________________________________I heard the front door open then shut, I sat up in a instant then calmed down when I realized it was Beyoncé

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Onika Maraj🫦
I heard the front door open then shut, I sat up in a instant then calmed down when I realized it was Beyoncé.

I recognized her foot steps and laid back against my satin sheets "baby I want to take you out" she spoke before coming into our room. I chuckled then looked at the time on our digital clock "bey It's ten o clock where exactly are we going to go" she walked into the room and leaned onto the door frame.

I stared at her then shook my head "the Chinese folks still open and we can go walk in the park look at the stars like in the movies" she said with a smile on her face, I could tell she was excited so I just complied.

"What Chinese restaurant is still open" I asked while getting out of bed to put some clothes on, she watched me silently before snapping her fingers and pointing at me "the one on 84th street" I laughed at her while digging in my draw for my undergarments.

She was so serious but her accent made it funny "okay, you know ming doesn't like you?" Beyoncé shrugged then sat at the end of our bed.

I walked into our walk in closet and looked around "ming can kiss my ass" I laughed while shaking my head. I snatched one of my black graphic tees off the hanger and walked out "can I wear your sweat pants" I asked while getting dressed, she looked at me then rolled her eyes "I guess you want to be me so bad" I ignored her going to put on her sweat pants.

"Im ready" I said while brushing my hair up "technically you're not if you're doing your hair but okay I'm in the car" I sucked my teeth and threw my hair in a messy bun before trailing behind her.

She opened my door for me before getting in herself, she sped off through the empty streets of New York.

I looked out the window at the tall buildings that lit up the night "you still want to go to Trinidad" she said grasping my attention from the window, I sighed while looking at her "I mean yeah but I don't want you buying me nothing" she sucked her teeth before glancing at me "baby money is never a problem for me and you know it so how come you never want me spending it on you?".

I kept looking at her then rested my hand on her cheek "because I feel guilty every time you do" she groaned while parking "shut up cause you know I will give you my last dime without hesitation" I stared at her until she looked at me completely "I love you bey" I said while kissing her lips, her free hand wrapped around my neck as she added tongue.

I put my hand on her chest to stop her "mm mm let's go eat before you get too carried away" she chuckled then got out of the car, she quickly came over to my side and opened my door.

I smiled at her, it didn't matter how much money we had I always loved our little dates like this, I was never a person who cared for extravagant things.

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