Leave, and be gone (J+O)

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Olivia was a very happy person aside from the fact that she had a major heartbreak with Joshua Bassett in 2021. She had 2 albums out and was the current best young artist in the world. 

She kind of forgot about Josh, yet all of her songs were about him. She recently moved to NYC in a larger home than in LA. Her plan was to focus on herself and forget about bays and relationships, and only keep flings to a minimum. That's something people don't know about her. She has had affairs and hookups, but nothing serious.

Josh could say the same. The only difference was that he was mad at her for putting it all on him yet he was still madly in love with her. He had 1 album out and not a song that he wrote wasn't about her. He decided to not date or to have flings for a while after her. He moved to NYC in 2022 and felt amazing from doing it. He just had to ge out of LA.

It was all until a sunny morning in the big city that everything changed. She was walking out of the studio and he was walking out of the bank when they colided.

"Oops! I'm so sorry! Here let me-" Olivia said but as she looked up, her words were stuck in her throat. 



They starred at each other for a long time until she opened her mouth.

"What are you doing here?"


"Well don't." She paused. "Since when do you live here?"

"Since last year. Get with the news flash." She was taken aback by his words. 

He had noticed that she had gotten taller and her hair was darker and she was more mature (or developed some would call it.) than when they dated. Her hips and body shape was more defined and her style had changed. He couldent help but think she was beautiful.

"What's with the attitude?"

"Me?! What about you!? You told me to "not exsist.""

"Yeah well, you know what? I'm not even going to pay you a compliment anymore."

"Than do so. Because guess what? I HAVE nothing to compliment!" He said with a scoff. She scoffed right back at him

"Me too! I guess we are equil."

"I guess so." Olivia looked down at her phone.

"Sh!t. I have to go. Cast party for a new show I'm in, Fokelore. You should watch it."

"Oh my god. You can't be serious."


"I'm on that show too and now I'm going to have to survive with you for 6 months."

"UGH! I HATE YOU!" She semi-screamed as she stomped her right foot on the pavement. He rolled his eyes at her.

"Well guess what, princess. The world doesent revolve around you."

"Oh shut your trap, bassett!"

"I guess I will see you tonight."

"I guess not." She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes for him to see even if he dident want to. And with that they walked their opposite ways.

-later that night at the party-

Olivia was all dressed up in a balck dress that was very revealing. (Aka the dress she wore for the gallery of motion picture thingy) Josh on the other hand, was dressed up in a black tux. Matching! What a cute couple! 

She socalized with some other cast members and ate food because she skipped dinner not to look bloated from salt and or other things. She was playing betty, and Josh was playing James.

 She walked over to the bar and asked for a drink. After all, she was old enough. She spent time alone just chilling in a seat at the table, making a mini tornato with her drink every time she got bored. 

Soon enough, someone else sat down next to her and ordered a drink.

"Yes just a beer please." He spoke. Olivia looked up to see Josh sitting there dressed up. He nodded as a thank you to the waiter as he turned to face her. "Well if it isent the princess." He said mokingly.

She just ignored him and built a tighter grasp on her cup, still spinning what was left inside of it around. He spoke up once more.

"Do you think we could?" He said gesturing to the door.

-The next morning-

She woke up in an unfamiliar place and looked around. Pictures of family, a guitar, a picture of her, wait-

As soon as she relized she was in her ex's room, the events of last night replayed in her head. She remembered saying something along the lines of: I hate you so much but I love you at the same time!

She got up and accidently woke him up.


"I'm right here. I'm just getting dressed."

Once she was freshened up she told him she was going to go but her grabbed her wrist when she was by the door.

"What." She said coldly.

"Let's do this again." A small smerk formed on her face and he gladly returned it.

 And that's how it went for two months. Back and forth between houses but never really stopping to think. It was one day they got into a fight (not like they werent in one already) and she stopped talking to him for 2 weeks. So he decided to go over to her place and try to fix things.

When he got there, he saw the 6 foot 3 man with the nam of adam, walking right out of her door. He cursed to himself as he went and banged hard on the door. She opened it, tired.

"What do you want?! I'm tired! let me sleep!"

"Yeah like you dident just have you abusive ex just walk out of here!" She looked at the ground. "Exsactly."

"Look it's not-"

"Your just moving on so quick!?"

"Joshua, it wasent a "thing" and it never will be! I'm aloud to do what I want!"

"I know but he's bad news! Remember when he HIT you?! Yeah, I was there!" she kept looking at theground in self pity. "Yes! see what I mean?!"

"Just go away!"

"No! I'm not leaving until you let me in!"

"Jerk." she started

"Brat." he replied




"UGH!" "UGH!" They said at the same time. Now they were already inside.

"You really want to be angry and do this?"

"Yes!" She yelled with a tone.  And they got back on with their "Thing" that she clamed wiuld never be a thing. They decided to make it offical in may, but kept everything privet.

Two years later, they were walking on the streets, hand in hand, her wearing a ring on her left hand and walking in a sweatshirt and sweat pants. Once they got through all of the people and they made their way into the appartment,  she groaned.

"How much more longer of hiding josh?"

"7 more months, baby."

"UGH! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME!?" He laughed at her.

"You were the one who said you wanted a baby and to be married!" She shot him a death glare. "Okay! Okay! I understand!" She giggled and walked over so she could wrap her arms around him. 

"I love you in the worst way possible." He gave her a kiss.

"I love you too."

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