Feet dangling off the poolside (2)

17 0 21

(ricky's pov)

To say everything was going well was an understatement... until today. So far, Nini was doing really well for being 7 months pregnant, helping with Miles, moving, and working. I am so proud of her. Miles is still being Miles, but he's learning boundaries with his words.

-8:00 am-

I rolled over in the bed to hug Nini but she wasn't there. Reluctantly, I sat up and looked around to see the master bathroom door cracked open and then someone opened it fully. There stood Nini wrapped in a towel brushing her teeth.

"Good morning, Bowen."

"Morning? Why are you up so early?" she walked over to the nightstand and turned the alarm clock towards me reading 10:27.

"I'm not. You're just a slug."

"Hey, that's not very nice."

"I told you to get used to a moody me! You knew what was in store for you."  I rolled my eyes and got up and out of bed, walking over to her.

"And how are you today?"

"I'm... surviving." I couldn't help but chuckle. Hearing little feet, we both knew who that was. Yup, it was Miles running at full speed towards the room.

"Here we go..." He ran in, dressed up like Batman, and slammed the door against the wall as he did so.


"Morning, Miles," I mumbled. Nini mumbled to me that she was going to go get ready quickly so now I'm stuck with a child who has ten times the energy as me.

"Dad, lift me onto the bed." I sighed and did so, only for him to jump off like he was flying.

"Bud, did you have breakfast?"

"No, but I found some candy and ice cream so I just ate that." Oh. so that explains his sudden outburst of energy. 

"Where was Nini?"

"Oh she was doing the laundry and she didn't even wake up till about an hour ago." I nodded. That was so unlike her, but she needed the rest. Soon the door opened and she walked out and Miles hugged her. It's something they do every single morning.

"Hey, Miles. Go a bit easy on me today please?" He nodded and ran out of the room to continue playing with his toys. I flashed her a concerned look.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Uh maybe because of everything that's all the sudden going on in your life right now?"

"I'm just trying to get through the day. It's not that deep." She told me, folding the laundry she had done this morning. Okay? Where is this coming from? Right, she could go from 0 to 100 in a second. Probably just another mood swing. She'll get over it.

"Okay." It was awkward and tense now. I should have never asked because I know. "I'm going to go get Miles some real breakfast."

"You do that." She replied quickly.

"Mm-hmm." I stood outside the door and walked away very slowly before seeing her run her hands over her face. 

I was downstairs making breakfast before I heard her call for me.


"RICKY IT CAN'T WAIT!" Once I got up there, I found her in the bathroom. 

"Nini what's wrong."

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