Angel from heaven PART ONE!

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Ricky and Nini. Nini and Ricky. Together since the age of 5, married at the age of 26, starting a family. Nini found out she was pregnant 3 months ago, and is 4 months pregnant. Things were going great for the couple, and they were quite excited to meet their little bundle of joy. That was until may. Nini became sluggish, and couldn't get out of bed. She started bleeding multiple times and had to be admitted into the hospital for bed rest. Something was severely wrong.

The doctor said it was in her blood. She had the weakest blood type, and wasn't getting enough nutrients to the baby. Their heart rates were all over the charts, and Nini's liver wasn't working the way it was supposed to. Everything was a hot mess. Ricky barely left her side. She was improving, but not much better.

Soon a show came up for Ricky, and he had to travel to Niagra Falls. He begged the doctor over and over again to let her come with him to the falls, just so she could see it. She had never been, and always had wanted to go.

"Doctor, please. It would mean so much-"

"Ricky, I understand. But Nini's not well enough to travel. It will have to wait till she has delivered the baby, healthy." Ricky sighed knowing he wasn't going to get anywhere with that. 

That's when the day he left, he brought his camera and took so many pictures for the girl he loved the most. Then he face timed her from the falls.

"Hey baby! I have a surpirze for you!" She smiled through the phone and he turned the cameras to show her the falls.

"Oh my god, Ricky! They are beautiful!"

"I know! Just like you." She blushed and he continued to walk around. "Look, sweetie. The falls are so active that there is so much fog and mist!"

She chuckled through phone and rested her head on her hands, still smiling at her happy husband.

"Look baby I wish I could be there but-"

"-Doctor's orders. I know." He said sadly and she nodded.

"But I love you. SO much. I'm trying to stay strong."

"I know neens. And your amazing at it." She smile and ricky brought the phone up to his mouth to give her a kiss through the phone. 

"I love you. " He looked sadly at the pale girl sitting on the other end in a hospital.

"I love you more than life, baby. Don't ever forget that."

"I won't." and with that he hung up. Nini soon felt a weird sensation in her throat and she coughed into a napkin. When she looked at the napkin, she saw splatters of red. Blood. 

"Doctor!" He came in and looked at the girl who had tears in her eyes, even letting some fall as she rested one hand on her stomach. 

"I'm dying." 

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