The Storm

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-6 years ago-
It was an amazing day. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and his coffee was made just perfect and, hey! Starbucks finally got his name right. He walked into his office and sat down in his chair. His coworker, Big Red, came in to talk to him.
"Mr. Bowen, you have a job interview in 15 just to let you know."
"Alright thanks buddy!"
"Umm why so happy?"
"Because Red," he got up and put an arm around him. "Today-" he sighed. "Is awesome." Red nodded suspiciously.
"Okay did you sleep today?"
"Haha funny you mention, I overslept!" Red shook his head and left. Ricky took a seat back in his chair and opened up his steaming hot cappuccino, took his first sip, closed his eyes and smiled at how good it was. (Aka in the first time in forever.) He heard a small knock on the door and he opened his eyes. He saw a small girl standing at the door in a plaid pencil skirt and a baby pink shirt. Her hair was lightly curled and she wore a pair of  black boots.
"Uhm hi! I hope I'm not interrupting but I um... I um have an interview for the assistant job and um I think it was with you if I'm in the correct place-" she said looking down at the map of the building. He chuckled at her.
"No your correct. Please. Have a seat." She nodded and sat down in the chair on the other side of  his desk. She smiled at him and he couldn't help but adore her.
"I'm Nini. Well Nina, but everyone calls me Nini." She stuck out her hand for him to shake. He accepted and they both couldn't help but notice that their hands seemed to fit perfectly together.
"Ricky. Well Richard, but just like you everyone calls me Ricky. People in the office call me Mr. Bowen though."
"Nice to meet you." She flashed him another smile. And from that moment, he knew that there was something there.
-present time-
*knock knock*
"Mr. Bowen? I have you mail from downstairs." She walked over and set the papers down on his desk.
"Thank you Nini. How's your day been?"
"Um alright I guess.... I should be on my way I've got a lot to do-"
"Nope! I know. I'll let you go. Thanks again, Nini."
"No problem Mr. Bowen." She gave him a smile and left. Okay so if it wasn't clear, he has had a crush on her for 6 years now and his feelings haven't changed. Red walked into his office.
"You still crushing?" Red snapped him out of his thoughts making him jump.
"What did I tell you about not knocking?!"
"Sorry! But are you?" Ricky rolled his eyes.
"Oh my freaking god red, YES! Do you have eyes?!"
"Sorry! But your like, friendly so you know..." Ricky rolled his eyes.
"Go home Red. Your working overtime as of now. You know now your not going to get paid because your interrogating me about my love life" Red rolled his eye.
"Bye, dude." He told him before he left. It was only him in the office building. Well that was until he heard a crash.
He walked down the hall and turned into the office that he heard the crash from. When he looked up he realized that the door read "Nina Salzer-Roberts" he walked a bit further into the office and saw her on the floor, trying to pick up her books. He kneeled down to help her pick them up.
"Thanks. You don't have to-"
"No I am so that's that." She grabbed her reading glasses that fell off of her face and slid them back on. They stood up and he handed her the stack of books.
"No problem." He smiled back at her. They shared a "moment" before they heard something tuning in on the radio.
"Alrighty folks. There is a snow storm on its way the roads are now officially blocked off because of black ice and visibility rates. Do not leave your homes. If so, you will be fined up to $5000 dollars. Have a goodnight folks and stay safe." The two looked at each other.
"Well I guess we're trapped here." He said.
"Yeah I guess so." She replied chuckling. Once again they had a moment, soon broken by Ricky.
Soon enough, they were in the faculty lounge sipping on hot coco. They were already laughing yet they have been down there for five minutes.
"I had no idea you had such a sense of humor, Mr. Bowen." She told him, calming down after her laughing fit caused by Ricky.
"Please, Ricky." She nodded.
"Okay Ricky." She told him while giggling. Her leg began bouncing up and down as a sign she was nervous . It was one of her natural nervous ticks. He set his had on her leg, calming her down.
"Don't bounce. There's no reason to be nervous." Her face turned a deep shade of red.
"Agh what's wrong with me?!" She covered her eyes to hide from him.
"Nothing. It's cute. Your cute." She blushed and scooted forward and her eyes darted everywhere.
"Y-you think I'm cute?"
"Yeah. Nini, your adorable." Her eyes finally met his and then shifted down to his lips and his did the same. Soon enough, not even knowing who made the first move, their lips were on each other's.
"We...can't.... Tell... anyone" she said between kisses. He nodded and was still in shock about the past hour.
-next morning-
Nini woke up and remembered that she and Ricky had spent the night in the office. LITERALLY. She got up from the floor and looked at the time.
She stood up and got her stuff together before waking Ricky up.
"Ricky! People are arriving! Get up and get ready!" He sat up rubbing his eyes.
"Work! It starts now!"
"Oh crap." He threw on his clothes and stood up.
"I'll straighten out the room and you go to the bathroom to get ready, k?" He nodded and walked out. When he got in the bathroom, he straightened out his clothes and fixed his messy hair. He could not believe that the past 12 hours just happened. He soon heard the door to the bathroom open and Red walked in.
"So dude what happened? I mean you WERE here all night..." Ricky stayed silent. "Oh my god."
"SHHH! you can't tell anyone. And when I say anyone I mean ANYONE."
"No! Don't worry! Man, I'm happy for you. Only took 6 years right?"
"Yeah. Best night ever." They headed back out to the main area and Ricky went back into his office. He was surprised when he saw a note on the table along with a coffee.
Last night was amazing. Thank you. But unfortunately we have to stay professional and I'm going to do that by leaving my job and finding a new one. It would hurt too much to see you every single day and not be able to be with you. I hope you understand. These past 6 years have been the best yet and it's all because of you. I've always been in love with you but never told you. Here are a list of people wanting to take my position. I will never ever forget you, but you have to forget me.
Best regards,
Nini ❤️
As Ricky read her note, he was shaking his head no, and he could already feel the tears in his eyes. He slammed the note down on his desk and ran all the way down to Nini's office. He saw her packing her stuff up while crying.
"Nini you can't leave! You just can't! I love you! And I've never been so deeply in love with anyone before. I need to love you-"
"But Ricky! The contracts! I can't love you. Your my boss. I'm your assistant."
"Well then screw the contract! I'm the boss here and I will have them changed because I love you so, so much. Ever since the day you walked in with your cute little outfit and personality I loved you. You've gotta know that."
"And I-I do Ricky. But we will get in trouble-" he slammed his hands on the table, making her jump.
"You want to know how many damn people wanted you and me together!? A ton. A ton, Nini. They love you. They love us. Please. I'll quit my job worse case scenario. If that's what it takes to love you, I will do it. The consequence of being found out is one of loosing their job. It will be me. I've worked here longer than you and you deserve to be boss. I just NEED to love you. Last night, I did something with you I've been wanting to do with you for a LONG time."
"Okay." She said simply.
"Ricky..." she told him walking over to him. "I haven't had someone love me like that in years. And when I did, it turned bad very quickly. Last night was the first time I've felt pleasure, love, happiness, relief and everything else that goes with love in forever. I want to love you till the day I die. Your my person. I'm so so sorry for being so shy for the past 6 years. But before we talk about what we are going to do about us, I need your lips on mine within the next .5 seconds or else something bad is going to happen."
He chuckled and slammed his lips on hers like their lives depended on it. He started to play with the straps of her champagne colored tank. Her blazer fell to the ground and she backed up and he leaned her back against the desk. They both had no clue there was someone coming. Red came into the room and his jaw dropped.
"Oh. My. God." Red said in shock as he just stood there watching his best friend make out with his assistant. The two jumped away from each other and she grabbed her blazer off the ground.
"Hey red. Okay bye Red. I'm busy. Check in when I'm dead." Nini chuckled and Ricky slammed the door in Red's face, shut the blinds, and went right back to Nini. She dropped her blazer again and got back in her former position.
(Guys we all know what happens right? Okay good.)
They sat there looking at each other, panting. She smiled a tired smile at him but it was soon erased when they heard a knock. They scurried to find their clothes before opening the door.
"Yes thanks okay goodbye." He told the guy at the door before turning back to Nini.
" I love you."

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