Nozomi Bio

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Name: Nozomi

Height: 218 meters/715 feet

Total body length: 220 meters/721 feet

Weight: 200,460 tons

Alignment: True Neutral

Age: 1,000 years old

Appearance: Nozomi looks like a woman in her early 20s. The inside of her body, arms, hands, shoulders, intimate parts, feet, legs up to her mid-thighs, collarbone, neck, tail and her cheekbones are covered with charcoal gray scales with a keloid scar-like texture. Her upper thighs, rest of her torso and face aren't covered with scales, instead her skin is blue-gray in color. Her hands and feet are tipped with sharp claws. Nozomi also sports a massive scar on her chest as a result of a battle with another Titan. 

Her hair is long, black with neon blue streaks, her eyes are yellow. Three rows of dorsal plates run from the back of her neck down to the tip of her long, powerful, segmented tail. They're jagged with sharp tips and sapphire blue in color. A single row of dorsal plates run along the length of her forearms. A row of spikes circles her forehead and poke through her hair, taking on the shape of a natural crown. Her jaws are lines with sharp teeth including a pair of fangs.

Personality: Nozomi is a compassionate, truthful and friendly Titan but can be dangerous if her friends or loved ones are in danger. Despite her young age, Nozomi is wise beyond her years, understands some individuals are evil or have malevolent intent towards others in pursuit of their sinister goals using whatever means to get there, going as far as using others. She knows one can't please everybody. Nozomi understands law and order is needed to maintain a balance in society but when taken to the extreme, leads to tyranny and downfall of that society if not corrected. At the same time, having no law-and-order leads to anarchy, putting a society's future in doubt or leads to a leader who may abuse their power, feigning a desire to help his people but behind the scenes consolidate their power. This, she firmly holds true to, leads to the rise of a rebellion that overthrows the regime and establish a government of their own but over time become corrupt and the cycle repeats itself.

Nozomi has a personal moral code she refuses to deviate from. She vehemently refuses to have children experience personal tragedy at such a tender age, having a permanent effect on the child's life forever. She has strong willpower, rarely snaps at others save for those who committed an unforgivable crime. Nozomi also has a strong sense of justice, will kill malevolent individuals but not in cold blood.

Powers and abilities

Atomic breath: Nozomi's signature weapon is her atomic breath

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Atomic breath: Nozomi's signature weapon is her atomic breath. When charging the beam, her dorsal plates flash and glow sapphire blue then unleashes a beam of ionized radiation that burns at 950,000 degrees Celsius. The beam is extremely powerful, able to punch through buildings and solid rock with ease. It can also melt through the strongest natural metal when concentrated in one spot. Her atomic breath also has enough kinetic properties to push enemy Titans, Kaiju or mechanical combat units several feet away. She can change the shape of her atomic breath, going from a focused laser beam to a narrow one, concentrating its power. Nozomi rarely does this, though. Her atomic breath isn't impeded when she's submerged in deep water.

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