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   At around 14:00 his phone had gone off as he had expected it to, the members had been out since about 09:00 so he had grown acclimated to the check-ins done by his bandmates. As Seonghwa picked up the phone to see who it could've been this time he saw it was San. He held a somber, tired smile as watched the phone for a moment before finally answering the call. If he let it ring or didn't answer he knew the members would worry even further and potentially even come back home from their errands so indulged the check-ins every time they'd occurred. After all, he loved the others entirely too much to make them worry.

     "Seonghwa hyung!" The younger member called, as if worried he was going to be met with silence, "Hyung, can you hear me?"

     "Loud and clear San." Seonghwa responded, trying his best to brighten his tone so that San wouldn't stay on the phone the whole time for the sake of monitoring him, "What updates do you have for me this time?"

     "Nothing much this time. We're at the store though, Wooyoung wanted to cook for us tonight though I don't think Hongjoong hyung is looking forward to it much." He giggled at his own observation, "Anyways, he wanted me to ask what you were in the mood for! We were taking a vote but we remembered it was your turn to pick dinner."

   Seonghwa shook his head lightly, his tired smile still resting on his face. He knew it was another attempt by his friends to brighten his mood, to bring him out of his room so that he may spend some time with his bandmates again and get some relatively fresh air. Though he sat silently for a moment as if in thought. In fairness, he was growing slightly hungry but he didn't want to eat. It felt like it required too much energy though that may be a result of Seonghwa skipping his meals every so often.

     "Tell him to just make some ramen. I know it's not something the members will turn down and I certainly won't say no either."

     "Understood! Do you want something specific to drink?"

     "No, you feel free to cover the drinks San. You know what I like." Suddenly he could hear a commotion on the other side of the phone, as if San was arguing with someone. It caused his brows to furrow for a moment though knowing them it was likely just the boys being the boys and causing a commotion amongst each other.

     "Hyung!" An excited Yeosang was heard on the other side of the line, "How are you feeling? You doing okay? We all miss you, you know."

   Seonghwa couldn't help but feel comforted at the sentiment the other conveyed to him. He felt his emotions welling up in his throat as much as he tried to fight the strain while he was on the phone. He knew at least three of them would try to come to him at the drop of a hat and he simply wished to wait until they all got home to... attempt to get out of bed.

     "I miss you all too. How have the errands been going?"

     "Fine so far. San's just being his usual self with making various random remarks at the sight of anything that makes him giggle. Mingi and Wooyoung are likely making trouble in the aisle over. As far as Hongjoong hyung and Jongho I'm not entirely sure I should probably find them, Yunho went to find Wooyoung though."

   It was fun hearing Yeosang relay all of the members' activities as though he'd been keeping a watchful eye just for this moment. Seonghwa couldn't help but lightly chuckle at the thought as it felt very in character for the other.

     "Oh, Wooyoung and them are back. They found the ramen, okay we gotta go so we can run and grab some other things before we get back to the dorms but we wanted to check in with you so you knew we were okay!"

   Seonghwa knew it was for quite the opposite reason and at the thought he felt a pang in his chest though he didn't vocalize his thought's as per usual as of late, "Alright." He simply said, "Y'all be safe okay? Tell everyone I love them"

   With that the two said goodbye and he heard the call drop, being left alone again in the darkness. His darkness. He wasn't sure how much longer he would last. Seonghwa wanted to see the members one last time but... he was wondering if he would be able to last that long.

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