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The Vulpes vulpes, more commonly known as the Red Fox, can curl in snow using its thick fur to hide from predators.  This allows ease of access for hunting prey. Foxes also have an exceptional hearing allowing them to hear the minutest of details. As of now my eyes were tracing the outline of a Red Fox ready to pounce on it's prey. The Snowshoe Hare.

Snowshoe Hares can run at a speed of 48km, while Red Fox's 49km. A close battle. Like David and Goliath but with... a smaller species. Of course the Goliath will win in this story compared to David. 

The red fox pouncing its prey became evident. Within a millisecond, the hares nape was seized quickly using its quadruped legs to launch an attack at the fox.  Apace David clubbed Goliath with a hit disorienting him. With an escape, the now maimed Hare ran towards me. Did it need help?

Sitting behind me was the Hare. Its disgruntled jacket of fur exposed him like a target. Blood dripped down it's back.

Reaching down I grabbed the Hare. Its advised not to do this, but it looks helpless. David looked at me with eyes that cried out for help. Well. That is if he was human. He looked comforted by this with his body quickly calming down. 

Looking at Goliath I saw his legs steadily pace as he observed his prey.

With my two hands, I covered the Hares head before snapping it's head in a 90° angle. Throwing the Hare at Goliath, I walked off hearing the sound of Goliath ripping his jaws into the now succumbed David.

Looking at my hand, I saw blood trickle down my palm slowly falling into the blank slate of snow.

Fetching a handkerchief from my pocket I swiped the blood before placing the now used rag in my pocket. 

Turning a rounded corner, I saw the facility.


Leaving my apartment hours earlier for work isn't the best idea but it's the only plausible scenario for me.  The facility was reminiscent of many other places I've seen in media. Both sturdy and safe yet boring to look at. 

Seamless steel inner walls with cracks were sprawled across the inner core. They were hard to see if you didn't try to look, on the other hand, easy to see if you did look.  The floors made of cold concrete allowed the sound to dampen with each noise made. 

Swiping my access card along the  monochrome black reader met with a beep allowing entrance within the facility. 

Seeming as I was early due to the lack of employees I turned a left entering a bathroom.

Turning on the brass faucet I saw the clear cold water run across my bloodied hands washing away any remnants of noticeable discrepancies.

Passing a trash can I threw the handkerchief away. Hearing the package deliver I congratulated myself with my average throwing skills.

"Hey Kiyotaka. You're here pretty early." Hearing the feminine sweet voice I concluded who it was already. Eris.

"You too. Work eh?" 

"Indeed...work." Looking at her, I saw bags under her eyes and a rushed hair-do. Still sleepy from last night it seems.

"I suppose I'll go to my desk for now. *Haaah* I'll talk to you later." Letting out a yawn, Eris rubbed her eyes before taking her leave. 

Following behind I reached my desk sitting down bringing another day in my uneventful life.

 Skimming through my computer's apps, I felt an uncertainty creep onto me. A distant hum rang around the office building from the fluroscent lights. The camera's eletronic circuits twitched around the room slowly, gaping the hole it bore into the back of everyone's head.

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