Chapter 12

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Hi guys 😍🫶, Sorry i never updated😭, but anyways I'm coming back from the dead🤍

Cale POV

As i walk through the armoured halls of my family's estate i look outside the window, then i see a carriage approaching, the carriage was foreign not like the original carriages of the Kingdom...

Leilin POV

The carriage is finally reaching towards the Henituse Estate, i hold Perion tightly, He looked so much like his father, Red Eyes and Red Hair he is sleeping peacefully, wrapped in a red fluffy blanket...

Cale POV

I still stare at the foreign carriage wondering who could it be and what are they doing at Henituse Estate... I see my father Running out to greet them
I was i followed along my father curious of who is the mystery guest.

Leilin POV

As we arrive at the Gate, Count Henituse comes out to greet us and along side him is Perion's Father...Cale..., I was scared (what if Cale didn't want Perion? What if he tries to get rid of the baby? No. cale would never do that.) my thoughts runs a million miles as i hold perion even tighter....

Cale POV

As i Walk out, A familiar man and Woman comes ouut the carriage.... It was Duke Candmione and....Leilin and she seems to be holding a baby? The baby was wrapped in a red blanket....

Leilin POV

Coming out of the Carriage, Perion safely sleeping in my arms, Cale and his father was staring right at me...

Leilin POV

me and Cale wait in the waiting room, while my father explains everything to Cale's father, the both of us were silent... I hold perion as to ease my frightened mood.

Cale POV

As we both wait in the room, us facing eachother, Leilin holds the mysterious baby tight as she seems to be trembling.... Finally i break the silence by saying "Is the Baby mine?" Since it looked a lot like me...

Lelin POV

"Is the baby mine?"

Cale asks

I flinch and froze for a few moments not knowing what to say....I replied quietly "Yes.."

Cale POV

my eyes widen as Leilin confirmed my suspicion, i was disappointed that She never told me, i could've helped her through her pregnancy... I could've been there when the baby was born, "Then why didn't you tell me?" I respond Sternly...

Leilin POV

I wanted to cry as cale responded sternly, "well...our kingdom was far away and a messenger couldn't be sent..."

Cale POV

I grit my teeth as she says that i slam my fist against the table "STILL YOU COULD'VE TOLD ME! SO WHAT IF YOUR KINGDOM IS FAR AWAY!? I HAVE A LOT OF MONEY AND I COULD'VE EASILY WENT THERE AND HELPED YOU!" I yell, then the baby woke up and started to cry....

Leilin POV

as Perion cries i try to rock him back to sleep, But then Cale took him from my arms and did it for me... He sung a lullaby...

Cale POV

I take the baby from her arms rocking him back to sleep i sing a little lullaby

"The monster's gone~ He's on the run~ and your daddy's here~ Beautiful~ Beautiful~ Beautiful~ Beautiful Boy~"

The baby calmed down and i smiled...

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