Chapter 13

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The duke came out and saw the two talking, while Leilin carry Perion in her arms, the duke towards them,then decided to took the baby Perion away, to give the both of them some space.

Its been a long time my Leilin, why you didn't me tell me that your pregnant, Cale approach him and wrapped his arms around her.

That caused Leilin to burst her tears out,"Sorry, for not telling you earlier."

The man caresses her back to calm her down from crying, then slowly kissed her forehead, "Can I have a chance, to become a good father on him?" A calm voice whispers her ears.

"A-are you..s-sure?" She asked the man, while chewing on her words.

"Yes, surer than sure.."

Leilin smiled, while wiping her tears, and a small laugh slipped at her mouth, "Thankyou!!"

Cale lifted out Leilin in joy, when suddenly a fancy chariot stopped Infront of the estate, that causes the both of them to froze..

"Who are they?" Cale questioned, when two person walked outside the carriage.

"I don't know either!! As far as I know we're not having a guest for to day except for you!" Leilin answered the man besides her.

"Greetings!!" The man talked, and a seductive looking lady beside him.

They slowly approach us, and I can feel an unpleasant awra on the both of them, The man was hell hot, he has those long grey hair and had a gorgeous red ruby eyes, while the woman has this charming looking face, red bloody lips and as like the man beside her, she also have those gorgeous eyes.

"Hi!!" The woman gave his hand for a handshake, while facing Cale, when cale didn't reply, she tooked cales hand with a flirting looks.

The man pulled Leilins hand and slowly hugged her, "Nice, to see you again old friend." He whispered in a sharpy voice.

Leilin pulled off in the mans hug, and reached for the arm of Cale, while the man gave Cale a intimidating look, and slowly turns to disgust.

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