Meeting the Winchesters

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When is woke up this morning I decided to go get breakfast at the diner that was close to my hotel. The night before I was hunting a werewolf and didn't get the chance to eat dinner so i deserve this breakfast, when I walked in it smelled like freshly cooked pancakes. I walked over to the furthest table that was away from everyone and ordered chocolate chip waffles and a coffee. And as I was enjoying my breakfast to men wearing suits walked in and sat at the table in front of me one was really tall and the other was short, and they were talking about something so me being the nosy person that I am I decided to listen to what they were saying.

I was doing this for about 15 minutes until the taller one looked up from the newspaper he was holding and started looking at me, and for some reason when he did that I felt weird it felt like I had butterflies in my stomach. No I can't be catching feelings for a guy I don't even know, though I will admit he is very attractive he has long hair he's just gorgeous. I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I saw them sitting in front of me. "Hello I'm agent  Plant and the is my partner agent Smith can we ask you some questions" said the shorter one. "Hi, and sure you can ask questions but um did I do something wrong agents" I said with a little confusion in my voice. "Well that depends on your answers" the taller one said  I had a weird feeling about them I felt like they were actually agents for some reason. "Did you know the girl that was killed yesterday" the taller one questioned. He also showed me a picture, "killed?, I just got here like 12 hours ago I'm staying in the hotel 2 blocks down, but no I don't know her sorry" I said with confusion because I didn't here about anyone getting killed. "Why do you sound so confused about that" the short one asked. "I um" I was speechless i didn't know what to say so I just told the truth.

"Okay I lied I got here yesterday morning but I swear I didn't do anything" I said hoping that they leave. All of a sudden the taller one left. Then out of the blue the short one says "are you a hunter" I was shocked, all I was thinking was does he mean an animal hunter or a monster hunter. "Uhm.. yeah I'm a hunter" I said in a slightly scared tone "Oh and by the way I don't mean the animal hunter" he said reassuringly.

Holy shit i sigh in relief and answered with "what gave it away". "The anti-possession tattoo on your arm" he said. I look at my arm and realized that he could see some of it. "So if you're asking me if I'm a hunter then you must be a hunter too, right" i question. "That's right" he said "oh by the way my name is Dean" "what's your name" he added, "Shelby" I said in a relaxed tone whilst drinking my coffee. "Who was the taller one beside you" I questioned "that's my brother Sam" he said. "Where did he go" I questioned "he had to answer a phone call, just curious what's you last name" he said "Harper, yours?" I asked "Winchester" once he said that i nearly choked on my coffee because I heard my father mention them once "Winchester?!" I said "yeah? Why" he replied "because I heard my father mention you two once on the phone" I said, he looked really confused then his face showed that he was thinking then he said "wait is your dad's name Thomas" he asked "yes, how do you know that" I asked kind of creeped out. "Because I think our dad helped your family a long time ago before he died" he said with a hint of sadness in his voice. "Oh.. I'm so sorry for your loss" I said thoughtfully "thank you" he replied "how did he die" I asked "he sold his soul to a demon to save me from the car accident that we were in" he said. I felt really bad for the both of them "again I'm sorry for you loss" I said again, right as he was about to say something his brother came back and said that they have to go "your Sam right?" I questioned "how do you know that" he said as he sat down slowly "your brother figured out that I was a hunter and told my your name" I said "Oh, okay what's your name" he asked "Shelby Harper" I said "nice name" he said, after he said that I felt the butterflies in my stomach again. Then the waiter came back and asked if I was ready for the check I said yes and paid and we walked outside I saw them heading to their car which was kid you not a 1967 Chevrolet Impala and that car was absolutely beautiful "that's one gorgeous car" I said "thanks i call her baby" Dean said.

"What do you drive" Sam asked. I pointed to the black Doge Charger right across from theirs "that is my car" I replied "what year is it" asked Sam "2006" I said. Then Dean's phone rang when he answered he said the name Bobby after a few minutes he hung up and told Sam and that they had to go I handed Sam my number and said to call if they need anything after we all left i returned to my hotel to take a nap.

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