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The aircraft land at the Special Forces base. Rain was slowly pouring down with another aircraft landing as well. The 2 Clans get out. Some were just glad to be on solid ground.

Mileena's Pov: Do they still think I'm going to betray them? I can't really blame them. Hopefully, Kenshi doesn't make me break his jaw.

"Grandmaster Hasashi, it's nice to see you again." The 2 grandmasters bow to each other.

"The pleasure is all mine, Kaui Lang." They walk away, I guess, to talk about grandmaster or tournament stuff. I wonder aimlessly because I can't fight in the tournament and I can't stay behind, so this will be a fun week.

"So you're the talk of the town." I turn around, and I see a woman from the Lin Kuei with blue hair walks towards me.

"We aren't in a town."

"It's an expression, don't they have that in Outworld?"

"We do, but they are worded different. Like the Tarkatan at the endless meat pile."

"I'm Frost, but I know who you are. It's talk of the clan over here. How does it feel to be the Grandmaster's woman.

"W-what?" Does everyone think I'm his lover or something?

"Nah, I'm just messing with you. You should've seen your reaction. She laughs with being annoyed.

"Is this going to keep happening? Why does everyone think I'm his lover?"

"Maybe because you act like you want to crawl into a shell like a Hermit Crab. When someone says you like him, "

"Ha ha ha." I laughed with sarcasm.

"I heard that you might fight the winner of the tournament." I looked at her with interest. "But that may just be Hydro being himself. So it may be the two of us after I win the tournament.

"Let the better woman win than." We walk to the cafeteria because I haven't eaten anything that wasn't cold or peanuts in a day

Hanzo's Pov: "I'm surprised that mileena hasn't killed anyone." Kaui Lang told me. "When General Blade told me she was staying with you, I thought she was trying to kill you."

"I'm surprised as well. When I found her, she was badly hurt in her left leg. She has been friendly to the other members."

"Though this is a time to relax and to test our members. I fear we might have to deal with a threat soon. Hydro said he saw a cyborg lin kuei. He also found parts that are distinctive of them."

"I'll alert the Shirai Ryu to a possible attack. Have you told the Special Forces?"

"Yes, Cassandra, Jacqueline, Kung Jin, and your Chujin are here and have been told to watch for any signs for an attack."

"That may not be enough. Sketor had years to plan his attack. He could wipe us all out if given the time. I have to go." I leave Kaui Lang to head to the bunks. Most of the clan are putting their things away and choosing their beds. "Where are the rest?"

"They are hanging out with the Lin Kuei mostly in the cafeteria or at the Javary River." Taiyō answered me.

"Gather the clan. I have to inform you of something important." I tell her. I head to the cafeteria to gather the rest of the clan.

Mileena's Pov: "Are you sure you're not Sub Zero's sister?" I asked Frost.

"We are just siblings in cryomancy."

"Oh. Because you two look somewhat similar to that, or you two use the skin care routine."

"So you know who's your bunkmate is?"

"Wait, I thought we were assigned bed."

"No, hopefully you don't get a weirdo or someone who snores. Maybe you can sleep with Hanzo if you are up to it."

"Are you going to keep making those jokes until I die?"

"That or when you two get married, BTW I call maid of honor."

"You're a pain," I walk towards bunks to see if there's any good spots left.

"I know." I hear Frost faintly say. I arrive at the bunks and I already know that sleeping on the floor may be best. There's no way I'm sleeping near Tsuki.

I don't need another comment of me and Hanzo for the elder gods' number of times this week! That and she wants to see under my mask.

Oh God's, I will have to show them my face eventually. I can't keep saying it's a scar. At least Hanzo might make sure I don't get hunted down again. Unless the three force me to run away.

I haven't heard what they are going to do to me at all. Maybe they might put a bullet in my head that or they just leave me alone, which is unlikely. Knowing Kotal, he'll want my head on a pike.

Before I give myself a panic attack. Hanzo walked in, helping a few members carry 8 massive fish. Though it smelled horrible but most of the clan were excited to see the fish, so I guess they are a good meal. Hanzo signals us to pay attention to him.

"We have some news. Hydro said he saw a Cyborg Lin Kuei, and he has found evidence that show they are nearby. Be on guard at all times. Even though they were nearly all destroyed 7 years ago, they most likely rebuilt and come with a vengeance. That will be all."

Well, that's just great. If Kotal doesn't behead me, then I might be gutted by a cyborg. I went to one of the last few good spots left, which was near where they were cooking the fish.

Now they start to smell great. Even though I ate a burger while I was with Frost. The smell makes me hungry. I decided to get a bite of the fish where I was told it was called a catfish.

I was getting ready for bed, and I was wearing my pajamas that had a zipper on it. I'll give them this even though the Shirai Ryu may be assassins, but they do like to sleep like a Kahn. Hanzo walks towards me, half asleep to me, something. Hopefully, I can be part of the tournament after all

"I may have something for you during this week. You'll be on patrol to watch. Out for cyborgs. "

"It's better than nothing. I tell him, as I start to fall asleep. I imagine a world where I don't have to be embarrassed by my mouth. And one where Kitana was my sister and not my dead rival.

A spear throught the heartWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt