Deadly Alliance Part 1: Rumble in the Jungle.

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3rd person pov: "My Tundra, how much you've grown." Sub Zero couldn't believe his ears. It was his brother or what's left of him after Quan Chi's corruption of his soul. Noob kicks his brother in the jaw when he is still trying to get his bearings. "Did you miss me, little brother?" He grabs his younger brother's legs and throws him outside the room into the main hall where the blood and guts of both clans and Special Forces laid with some member being carried off.

Hanzo tries to spear Sketor, but he catches it. He then fires a rocket at Hano, but Hanzo teleports away, letting it hit a tank, much to Sonya's annoyance. "You may have beaten me at the tournament, but now you have no hope, spector."

"Who says I need hope?" Hanzo flipkicks Sketor and is about melt down his metal body but to no avail. Sketor uppercuts Hanzo stomping on his leg, making his yell in pain.

"You truly haven't changed a bit." He says while pulling out a dagger made of electricity. He is stopped by Mileena's sais, hitting the blade out of his hand. "Well, if it isn't the concubine."

"I'm no one's concubine rust bucket!" She tries to stab him with her sais only to get strangled by Sketor.

"You're correct, who will ever lay or ever love a half breed abomination such as yourself." She desperately tries to breathe as Sketor slowly strangles the life out of her while lifting her with one hand.

"GET OVER HERE!" Hanzo yells with rage while trying to stand up. Mileena falls to her knees, catching her breath. She gets up on her feet to see Hanzo fighting off Sketor and his cybernetic army. She rushes in to help him on to be caught by a green net. Cyrax goes to her and kicks her in the face, giving her a broken nose.

"Hands off her!" Tsuki yells as she hits Cryax with her hammer. She gets Mileena out of the net, and Mileena helps out Hanzo with the overwhelming odds.

"Thank you! She yells before jumping on Sketor's cybers, ripping off its head and hitting Cyrax with the head.

A freeze blast nearly misses her as the brothers don't back down from their battle. Tsuki decides to help Kaui Lang in his fight. She tries to sneak behind Noob but his shadow clone Saibot kicks her in the shin. Saibot grabs her and throws her to where her fellow Shirai Ryu members lay dead.

"You bastard!" She yells with a tear running down her cheek as she lays with her dismembered friends. She gets up and tries to cave in the clones head but misses. Saibot uses the arm of a dead Lin Kuei member to smack Tsuki in the head. A shadow assassin joins Saibot Tsuki's beating.

An ice spear goes through both of them as Tsuki nearly gets her heart ripped out. "For someone who is one of the best, you've got your ass kicked pretty easily." Saibot removes the spear out of him, and he tries to stab Frost with its sickle. But she summons an ice sword, and they start to duel with their weapons.

Frost and Saibot go back and forth as the base slowly starts to crumble due to the battle. Saibot knocks out Frost's sword only for her to summon two daggers. She tries to slit the clones' throat, but when she finally  did, it amounted to nothing. She then tried to freeze the clone in place, but before she could, she felt a sharp pain in her right wrist. She looked at it to see what it was. She was horrified to see that her lower leg was cut off, and she was losing blood at a fast rate. She falls yelling in pain, and before she is decapitated, an energy blast from Sonya saves her.

She uses one of the blades from Sektor's army to stop the bleeding. "Shit. I'll get you with Johnny's team, and the outworlders are holding up."

"We are in the shitter now." Frost says as she wraps her arm around Sonya's shoulders.

"Cassie, cover me and Frost." She then superkicks one of the shadow assassins as she helps Frost. Cassie and Erron Black fires her pistols at the Noob's army. Hanzo gets tossed by Sketor to where Cassie is firing and gets hit by one of her bullets.

"Shit!" Cassie yells. "Sorry, Grandmaster Hasashi!" Hanzo lays with his dead clan members. Smoke starts to come out of his head as his fire comes out when his breaths. Then he feels Sketor's metal foot across his face as blood spews out of his mouth. Sub Zero freezes Sketor in place as a bloody Lei Mei drags an unconscious Mileena to where the others are. Cryax tackles Sub Zero and nearly splits his head in half with his buzzsaw.  Sub Zero freezes the buzzsaw, and he shatters it into dust.

Sketor frees himself from the ice with Noob arriving covered in blood and with flesh on his sickle. King Gorbak brusts in and launches Cryax with a simple backhand. Noon grabs something from the void in his chest and blasts the Shokan king, nearly killing him.

Cassie sends a drone to see what Noob used to incompasatate Gorbak. She can barely get a clear view of the thing in his hand. Then, a sound of Thunder roars as Raiden teleports into the room.

"Bi Han, your attack on earthrealm ends now." Noob turns his head so it faces Raiden.

"I've bested the other elemental gods when I was Sub Zero. Now that I'm stronger, you will be plunged into the abyss." Raiden hits Noob with lighting, causing him to fly across the room. Noob gets up and sends his hoard after Raiden, which he effortlessly dispatches them. Sketor and Cryax join Noob in fighting the Thunder God, yet Raiden was still too much for them. Reinforcements were showing up at the base as the invasion was slowly failing.

Noob grabs the object, which he nearly killed the shokan king with. Who in the meantime was being dragged to the outside of the base. He blasts Raiden with it to a similar effect. Sketor gets information from one of his subordinates and sends Cyrax to deal with it only for Raiden to blast the cyborg to the point that it can't move its body.

Noob summons a portal to his shadow realm. Raiden tries to escape as the protal sucks him in. One of Noob's minions spears the Thunder God in the portal, and he closes it. Sealing the Thunder God where light has no place but only to suffocate.

"Let's go before the warship cloaking device takes too much damage." Sketor tells the former Sub Zero. "We'll finish them off later." They leave as the dead begin the rot. The gunshots get quieter as the dead grow, as the living shrink.

The survivors in the medical facility leave the room and check for anyone else who was still alive. Sapphire is cuddling over the unconscious Mileena, who is lying on the floor. The cages are looking to see if someone is still alive.

"Fucking Christ." Cassie says while seeing her fellow soldiers mutilated. Takada tries to hold back tears as his friends lay dead.

"We will avenge them." Jacqui says as she puts a hand on his shoulders. He gets back up and tries to see if the cyborgs left behind have something salvageable.

Hanzo sits with his back to the wall as his blood loss catches up to him. He goes in and out of consciousness as he tries to stay awake. He then closes his eyes as his picnic with Mileena flashes before him.

I'm sorry it took a week. I'll try to be faster.

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