What's next?

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Touma went to the library to just kill time and read one of his favourite books there too. He went to the shelf and was about to grab the book when suddenly, a tacky, skittish-ass hand came from behind and grabbed the book before he could get a hold of it. His eye twitched at this.
"Man, you again? Give me back my book!" Touma tried reaching for it but Accelerator held his hand and shifted the book out of his reach.
"Your book? I don't see any name written on it."
"Jerk, you knew I was gonna get that book, and I saw it first so give it back!"
"But I took it first so go whine somewhere else."
"What did you just say?"
"Go whine somewhere else."
"You bastard!"

And they started fighting which led them to get kicked out of the library. Accelerator didn't even care. He only even touched that book just to piss him off, so he turned around and started walking away. On the other hand, Kamijou was fuming.
"Hey, get back here! This is all your fault and you can't even spit out an apology from that drainage hole of yours? Hey, I'm talking!!" Accelerator kept walking as if nothing is talking, till he reached a corner and stopped.
"Here, take it." He pointed at his back and turned it against Touma and dissapeared in the corner.
Red Tick marks appeared on his head instantly. "Damn you!!!"

Once he got back to his apartment, he was met with a very angry Index, plus she was hungry, and we all know what that means.
"Tou-maaa! Where on earth have you been?! You didn't leave any food in the fridge and it's way past dinner time!, plus you got me really worried!"
"Sorry? That's all you have to say? Well I'm gonna make you real sorry!" And she jumped onto his head and starred bitting him ignoring his loud screams. By the time she was done, there were bite marks all over him.
"There. Now you'll never do that again."
"Damn you rotten luck!"

Meanwhile, with Accelerator;

He entered his apartment, and as usual, it was dark and empty. He didn't even bother to turn on the lights. He just went to the kitchen and instead of having or making dinner like every normal person would, he grabbed a can of no sugar black coffee and sat on the floor, stairing at the window. Fuck knows what he was thinking about...or who he was thinking about.😏

Accelerator x Kamijou~{¿Is this love?}《☆》Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat