A Fight!

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     Today is a bright and sunny weekend. Some people were at the beach, some were at the ice-cream stand, some were having a picnic, while some were battling with vending machines and some were walking around in alleys aimlessly. Yep. We know them both.
     Touma put a few yen notes into the machine but it just wouldn't bring out his drink. While he was giving up, a tall girl with brown hair and brown eyes walked up to him.
    "What in the world are you trying to do?" She asked.
    "Oh, uhm, I'm trying to get my drink but it just doesn't budge."
   "Hahaha, so pathetic, the machine's broken, it doesn't work like that anymore!" She laughed pointing a finger at him.
   "If you want to get a drink, just simply do this!" Then she kicked the machine, making her skirt go up and show her underwear, and Kamijou was there looking at it like 👁👄👁
Meanwhile, a certain albino was passing by, and it was as if everything paused as he caught him stairing at the girl's...yeah, accelerator didn't bother looking at the girl tho...he felt mad for some reason, but isn't that his normal expression? So no difference. He muttered 'stupid pervert' and kept going wherever he was going.
    "Thanks...the name's Kamijou Touma, what's yours?"
    "Mikoto Misaka. But don't think we'll become friends that easily. Can I have one drink? The pink one please!"
   "Oh, yeah sure."
   "Thanks, bye!!" And she ran off and left him to carry all the drinks alone.
   'Why does that girl seem familiar' he thought while walking home. 'Hey what do you know, got to think of it I haven't seen that mad man today at all! Phew, at least one day without rotten luck...' well, he spoke too soon. A can of black coffee came rolling towards his foot. Before he could spot it, he had already tripped on it and came crashing to the floor along with his drinks.
   "Is it so hard to look where your going?"
   "Well is it so hard to keep your body and things to yourself?!" Touma shot back. Accelerator just ignored him,...and his coffee and walked away into another dark alley.
    "What the hell is he doing there this late? Speaking of late I better get home before Index bites my head off!" With that he packed his stuff and zoomed off.

         ￶🕖 Time skip people🕖

   Touma just had a nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach about what Accelerator was doing in that place. That was like almost the same place where he first met him, in a bad way. He decided to follow him.
   He went back there and was cautiously looking around just in case. That guy is really dangerous that sometimes he stops to wonder if he was in a cult or something. As he neared a faint light, he heard sounds. Talking, and he was certain he heard Accelerator's voice, and another one, it sounded like a girl's. Not again.
    'So now tell me how do you chose to die? Quickly but painfully, or slowly but still painfully?!!' He heard Accelerator say.
   'Let me go you scum-bag!'
  "Wait, that looks like...Misaka!" And with that he jumped out and stood infront of Accelerator.
    "Well what do we have here? Has the hero finnaly come to rescue the princess?"
    "You let her go right now or you'l be sorry you ever laid a finger on anyone. I'll make you regret doing anything to her!" Touma said visibly very pissed.
    "Very impressive, a heroic speech tell me did you just come up with that or have you been practicing, however you must have realized that there's a slight problem with your plan, or did you forget that I am here?!"
     Touma charged immediately at him trying to snatch Misaka out if his grip, but Accelerator dodged it and gave him a hard kick on his abdomen that sent him flying backwards. Accelerator smiled and said..
    "Have you ever heard of anything called 'dust explosions'?" Touma looked around and saw they were surrounded by cement dust and tried to run out of the area before whatever his plan is gets to him, but it was too late as a big explosion erupted followed by a very disturbing high-pitched screech laugh done by accelerator.
     "Damn, he's driving me crazy to the point that I almost killed myself! I bet his body has turned into a form less than dust!" He tied Misaka's mouth tighter and grabbed her about to walk away, then to his shock, Touma came out with no injury but tiny scratches.
    "H..how are you still alive? It doesn't matter cuz once I'm done with you not even your ashes will remain for your family to bury!!" Accelerator stomped on the ground and iron or metal bars came charging at him. Touma dodged it easily, then accelerator burst a gigantic boulder and the pieces came flying at him. He merely dodged everything and jumped, doing a flying punch with his right hand, canceling his defense auto barrier or whatever it is that makes attacks not touch him, and landed a big punch on his face that sent him flying and hit his head on a twisted iron and passed out. He untied Misaka.
    "Thank you. Says Misaka being grateful for your help."
    "Oh, no problem." Touma turned to leave but stopped dead on his tracks.
   In as much as Accelerator is the bad guy here, he couldn't just leave him to bleed and die alone, so he took him to the hospital and lied about what happened so the police woun't be after him.

Accelerator x Kamijou~{¿Is this love?}《☆》Where stories live. Discover now