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Accelerator open his eyes, and was met with a white room. Confuzed, he got up and looked around, and realized he was in a hospital. He 'tchd' and tried to get up, but something held him down. Looking down, he saw the raven haired boy sleeping ever so peacefully on a chair beside him and grabbing onto his arm. Accelerator gently removed his hand so as to not wake him up, and attempted to sneak away, but then...

"Where do you yhink you're going?" Touma said rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He intentionally held on to his hand knowing he'd want to escape, and since he's a light sleeper he'd wake up immediately.

"None of your businesses, stay out of my way already, you're starting to piss me off!"

"Piss you off? I guess I should have left you to die then."

"Tch, whatever. " Accelerator said still attempting to leave, but once his foot made contact with the floor, he fell over landing face flat on the floor. Touma tried to stiffle his laughter from the way he fell.

"Idiot, you've been lying here like a vegetable for days now, plus the anesthetics you've been given, so don't try anything stupid. " He said as he carried Accelerator back onto the bed. Accelerator looked up for a second and instantly regretted it. Touma's hair was all messy from his awkward sleeping position, and the small dark rings around his eyes looked hot, not to talk of his infectious smile. Accelerator swiftly looked away, hoping he didn't see the light pink stains on his cheeks.

"Hey...I have something to ask you..." Accelerator turned back to face him.
"Why exactly did you want to kill that girl earlier?" Accelerator wished he could just disappear at that moment.
"Why the hell do you enjoy putting your nose into other's businesses? Mind your business and stay out of my life!!"

"No no, it's not like that, it's just...well...I'm quite bothered and concerned. If you had killed her, the police would come after you and..."

"Just shut up already. The police wouldn't give a damn, now leave me be." Touma felt like he was stabbed by a needle with the harshness of his tone, but shrugged it off and obeyed, leaving Accelerator for the time being.
"Okey, but I'll be back. "

Once he was gone, Accelerator hugged the pillew tightly, curling into a ball.
'Damn it, why the hell is my heat beating faster when that idiot is around? Damn, I feel really funny...why can't he mind his business? What on earth would he gain if he knows my life? No one cares and should care, just leave me alone damn it!!!' Accelerator practically Screamed in his mind, his grip on the pillow tightening.

Later that evening, Touma came to check on Accelerator. He brought him some snacks and tons of black coffee cans, after figuring that was his favorite.

"Hey I'm back!!!" He announced happily.

"I don't care. What're you even doing here?"
Touma turned white with a giant sweatdrop.

"That's no way to greet someone! Anyway, how are you feeling now? And also, I brought you this." Touma said handing him the bag. Accelerator peeped inside and saw a few snacks, cans and cans of black coffee, and a flowery get well card.

"I'm not sick you know."
"Yeah I know, but It just caught my eye and I decided to get it." He said scratching his head sheepishly.

'Man this guy is such a giver...what a pain.'

"Why're you here in the first place?"

"I don't know, I just came to check how you're doing, plus, I promised to come see you later, cuz I figured you'd be bored.

'Oh yeah, fair enough.'

"I don't get it."

"Get what?"

"I tried to kill you."

"Naa, forget about that. It's my fault you're here anyways, so idk 🤷"

"Tch. You're such a pain."

"Aw come on, why're you always so moody? Lighten up a bit, or I'll be forced to."

"What do you mea..." Accelerator was cut short when Touma started to tickle him.

"Wh...aah, stop! You..you're gonna make me piss my pants! Stop..
Hahaha, please! Okey okey, I've lightend up! Hahahaha!!!"

Touma also started giggling, happy to see the stoic poker face guy actually laughing 😃. He finally stopped and accelerator was trying to catch his breath.

"What the hell...Why Would You Do That All Of A Sudden?!!!"

"I was only trying to lighten the mood a little." He said still smiling. Well, his plan worked, cuz the atmosphere was now cherie.

"Well, I guess it's time to leave, It's getting late you know.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. "

"Okey then, see you soon."

*Time skip cuz physics is obstructing my creativity.*

Accelerator was finally released after a few days. And weeks later, he hadn't seen touma...or wanted to see touma. He had alot going on in his head currently and the least thing he wanted was to see anyone, especially not Touma.

But as fate would have it, he was at the grocery store one day, and ironically, bumped into Touma.

"Damn, rotten luck...Oh hi, I haven't seen you in a while! How have you been?"

"Get lost."

"Jeez man, you don't have to be so harsh!" Accelerator gave him a good glare and turned to walk away, but was held back.

"Uhm.., have you been getting enough sleep lately?"

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"You have dark bags under your eyes..." he said leaning quite close to examine his face. "...and you look really tired and extra grumpy." His face was only inches away from Accelerator's. Accelerator only stared at him, trying to control the strawberry tint eroding his face.
"I think you're sick"🤒 he said placing his hand on his forehead, making his face get redder. "you should be resting you know, don't worry, I can help you with..."

"I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!" Accelerator yelled and ran off.

"He's just so weird. " just as he was about to continue what he was doing, he bumped into a shelf and cans came crashing down on him.

"Grrr, KUSO, FOKU NEE!!!"

Accelerator x Kamijou~{¿Is this love?}《☆》Where stories live. Discover now