Chapter 8: The Takers clan (Arc 3 final)

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Y/n is seen leaping across the hallway within the Palace as he dodges Akemi's blade as she attempts to swing at him but missed. Y/n lands on his feet and once he did he reach his sword as Akemi came up to him and stare at him while Y/n stared back at her. The two warriors share a look at each other and then they charge at each other.

Their blades clashed with sparks flying out of their blades as the two clash swords and moving around very fast. They move around almost like dancing while the walls around them gets ripped and cut open from their slashes of their blades.

Then Akemi pushed Y/n back as he slide backwards and hits the wall behind him. He looks up only to be tackled by Akemi as the two crashed through the wall and into the cafeteria. Akemi leaps across the cafeteria and land on the ground while Y/n gets up and breaths heavily while he felt a sharp pain as we see Akemi managed to step him in the leg.

However it didn't stop him of fighting her which impress Akemi.

Akemi: I must say I am impress. You stood strong even if you are injured. Most men would rather ran away like the cowards they are but your different.

Y/n: I was trained to never run away against my opinion. It shown as a dishonour to a dual.

Akemi: (smirk) You are interesting Samurai. However I will defeat you!

She then launches towards Y/n with the tables and chairs being sent flying as she charges towards Y/n. She swing her blade back while Y/n stood there and soon she gets close ans swings her blade only for Y/n to quickly block her strike which surprised her.

The tables and chairs fly by them, crashing into the wall and then the two begun their dual as they clash their blades and moving around very fast. Akemi starts to realise how fast Y/n is getting which was impossible as the two continue their dual as they move around the cafeteria.

They were near the window as Y/n dodges and spins around, clashing his blades at Akemi while Akemi was now on the defensive.

Then the two enter a blade lock as the two of them lock blades as they share a look at each other and then Akemi dose a back flip, kicking Y/n by the chin and sending him flying and crashing through the window.

He falls however he pulled out his second sword and stabbed it onto the wall to stop his fall. He is seen hanging on with one sword stabbed onto the wall of the Palace with his other holding. He then gets up of the his second blood stabbed onto the wall and then leaps up back to the window and into the cafeteria where Akemi turns to see him.

Akemi: Impressive. Your now hard to take down do you?

Y/n: Nothing will take me down now.

Akemi: (smirk) You don't say.

She then kicks a table towards him but quickly he cuts it into half them cuts a chair and then another table. Then Akemi tosses a barrel which he slice it but beer is splashed onto Y/n. He wipe some off on his eyes and when he open them Akemi was inches away to him and then kicked him out of the window again but this time she jump off the window and the two crashed onto the ground.

In the distances we see Chifusa and the others seeing the battle as Chifusa gets impatient and was about to go and help him but Rai stopped her.

Rai: Wait Chifusa!

Chifusa: He's gonna die if we don't help him!

Rai: Have some patient. I know she's tough but I know Y/n will do this.

Chifusa is worried but decided to listen to Rai and stand down.

We cut back to the dual as the dual gets really intense now as their swords clashed very hard, making a metal sound while all around them we see Akemi's clan members watching this go on and waited for which one of them is the winner.

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