Ch5: Betrayal and trust

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Disclaimer: this story has mature elements that include violence, death, depression and characters with zero self worth and posible psychopaths. Be warned.


Mira carefully wiped the sweat from her young master's forehead. His skin looked unnaturally red from the fever and shivered occasionally.

She lifted her eyes from the second young master's frame to look at the usually fierce man.
Young master Pytha has been sitting on the opposite side of the bed for quite a while. It was about time he started to speak.

"How is he?" Just on time, it was nice to see that she could predict young master Pytha to an extent.

"Apart from the bruises, He only has a fever due to his weak body. With a night's rest he'll be better by tomorrow."

"Mhm, that's a problem."

"Indeed. It was a waste of money hiring the Assassin."

Young master Pytha groaned and slumped dramatically, "ugh, what a problem", he suddenly stared at second young master, "should I just beat him up more?"

"You cannot young master. The duke has already seen his condition."
"I know!!" The adult man whined, "but I also need him to not wake up for at least two weeks."
She sighed and wondered how she got here. She was a simple village girl. She started in the estate as a laundry maid. Now she's here. Without any chance of escaping.

"Young master you can simply tell the duke it's too dangerous to send him with a bounty on his head."

Young master Pytha clapped his hands, "Ah, good idea. I just need to make the duke more overprotective over Ari than he already is. Good work Mira"

Mira bowed her head in thanks even though she didn't have any inclination to accept the praise. She was sure that the first young master had already thought of a solution. But like always, he was constantly on guard, testing her every second. Although as one of the few people to know of The Plan, it was almost viable. If he truly wanted The Plan to be successful, he couldn't risk a single pawn making a wrong move.

Mira turned her attention back to the sick youth. Indeed, it wouldn't be difficult to convince the duke to not send out Aristle. He was, as young master Pytha said, overprotective. The thought was funny. Duke Archemd Charmase had kept his second son in the dark on so many things, things that will surely rear their head to consume him, all in the name of protection. And yet, he was unaware of the schemes of his own son.

Mira swept back a lock of hair. No matter what, the boy before her was destined to live a tragic life. Sometimes, she wished he was a cruel person instead of a kind and charming youth. It would have made her guilt easier. Last night, she and gone into his room expecting him bloody and broken, instead he tried to protect her. He had always done that, even back when he was just a little kid and Mira a young maid. It was almost funny. Because she could only return his protection with Betrayal.


Awareness came back to Aristle in bits and pieces. First the discomfort, then the voices and eventually he opened his eyes to his father slumped in a chair beside his bed, sleeping.

His first thought even then was 'this isn't a dream,' but that thought was too much to bear and he shoved it into the back of his mind.

Instead, he observed his father. Aristle noticed the wrinkles on his face, the fine lines which are the result of his smile and the listless expression with which he slept. When had he seen his father so relaxed? He couldn't remember such an occasion.

He wondered why his father even bothered to be here. He must have been sitting for a while to fall asleep.

He had been foolish yesterday. He had forgotten that his father from 'now' cares about 'Aristle'. He had foolishly confused them and didn't spare any thought for what his father would feel. (Because this wasn't a dream. This wasn't a dream and if he would have died father would be crying)

Seeing him now, he could see how he cared for this Aristle. Far from his father, who had coldly watched as he was dragged away. He had forgotten that at least one person would be sad if this body died.

Unconsciously, he called out to him, "Father"

Duke Charmase jerked awake, "wha- Aristle, you are awake! How are you feeling? Does anything hurt? Let me call-"

Aristle grabbed his wrist, "wait."
The duke turned towards him and smiled, "yes son?"
"I'm sorry." I'm sorry for trying to take away your son.

The words had an unexpected reaction. The Duke's smile broke and tears shone in his eyes.
"You don't need to be sorry son. You did your best. I'm relieved you weren't hurt too badly. You know how worried I was about you going to that kingdom. At Least now I won't have to send my son there."


Before he could even react, the door burst open with a bang. Aristle scowled, there's only one person who could be this disrespectful in the Duke's manor.

Aristle spoke, "Prince Nitheorian." They started to bow but Nitheorian wasn't paying attention. He was already at the bedside, green eyes flashing. Nitheorian looked at Aristle from head to toe and spoke, "you will be going with me to the Hybell empire."

Some people never change, Aristle thought bitterly.

Duke Charamase started to protest, but Nitheorian silenced him with a look.
"He is not injured enough to be left here. Even if he was, the emperor would want him there nevertheless. You know his…. curiosity about the bond."

Aristle had to grudgingly agree. The emperor was obsessed with information about the companionship bond. A bond such as one that he and Nitheorian shared. Even though it was less of a bond and more of puppet string, tying him to Nitheorian's fingers.

His father wasn't happy immediately talking about the bounty on Aristle's head. Nitheorian argued against him. Both ignored the very person in question.

Aristle spoke, "Okay. I will go."

The duke started raising objections but Aristle didn't listen. Instead he looked at Nitheorian who was doing a bad job of hiding his shock. Ah, this Aristle must have still been resisting becoming a puppet.

Nitheorian quickly composed and gave instructions to meet him at the palace as soon as he could before leaving.

Duke Charmase sighed in distress, "you didn't have to do this, Ari."

Aristle suppressed a flinch at the nickname and said, "I have too."

I have too so that your only son remaining doesn't die. He had stolen the Duke's one son's life and he would return it with another's.

This time, the duke had no rebuttal.

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