chapter 16

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In previous chapter of it , we saw what' s all 3 to 4 days Xiao zhan was bullied very badly by the fangirls and boys of the great heartthrob of university "Maniac, "wang yibo", now in this chapter we will found out the more interesting plots of the story.

So, guys!! Let's start...


"One morning"
Xiao zhan who had awake with a severe headache and body ache...


Last days, Xiao zhan was very badly bullied. With his sore body he gets up, and 🍃💦 up for university.


Xiao zhan has been sitting on the last bench and alone. His next sit was empty which was Wang yibo' s.
For that incidents wang yibo completely ignored him even changes his sit and ask yubin, haoxuan Or fanxing to sit near him.

Today, fanxing was sitting near, Xiao zhan and they are kind of close now. And talks to each other.

For, coincidence Wang Zixuan, chen Xiao were not coming to university for some important works and jili who was at his brothers house cause of some works his brother summoned him.

So no one was there to support and help Xiao zhan. Xiao zhan's cousin shen yue also left now, he is alone in that mansion and he asked servents to leave him alone when shen yue was there.

Xiao zhan was really tired of this, he left alone. And he badly missed his family, his shijie who could understand and support, comfort him, his a-cheng who is always ready to break others legs for him, his mother who will sang him lullabies and comfort him, his dad who will comfort him and bring him chocolate, chips,cookies, ice cream, pastries and other desert for making him feel good.

He want those friends, he wants wang Zixuan who will sweetly make him pudding🍮 and comfort, want jili who will do anything for his zhannie, wants chen Xiao the over protective big sister always ready to string a war of blood for him. He missed all of them, but then he is happy that no one is here or he will only make them worried and cause trouble.

However, from all this situation there is still some one who is comforting him and supporting him. Yang yang!

Whenever he felt bad and sick of environment yang yang was to there for supporting. Now, Xiao zhan too had participants in 🎶music🎶 group, where all were aware Xiao zhan's situations, but they are kind and believes him. But it' s a secret that he had joined music group. Well there all girls are fangirling him and yang yang....
Those members of Xiao zhan's music group were none were different from wang yibo's fangirls.
Those girls and boys were sweet and kind hearted people , some of them were yibo' s fangirls but they treats Xiao zhan so well and believes him with lots of supporting.

After classes finished, Xiao zhan and others went to canteen. Xiao zhan silently picked his food and was about to sit on a table, some fangirls come and pushed him and threw his foods, then they poured out milk on him. They pushed him, he gets up with lots of difficulties. Then those girls with threatened look said, you bitch it's your fault for messing with our Wang yibo, we will give you the taste of hell.

Xiao zhan who has enough of this, for these days he didn't spout a single words or something. He was just enduring this, coz he just wants every thing could be fine soon, so his parents and siblings could not find anything about it. But today it's out of his tolerance. He had lower his head, but when he up his head to look at them, those fangirls where shaken terribly, they were shocked by the expression of the man who was bullied and never protested.

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