Pt. 17: And Then I Saw Red

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*there are three sections to this chapter, slight trigger warning for some gore/blood in the last part. Idk what else to say but if u need to skip it just read my ending notes at the bottom of the chapter for the plot point.

Only an hour into the ride and Lexa is already sore

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Only an hour into the ride and Lexa is already sore. She conceals her grin though, knowing the discomfort is worth the morning that caused it. It's helping her nerves to have her novitiates riding with her in the front for a bit. Aden is next to her, his body looking even smaller atop his brown horse. The other two trail just behind them with Indra and Luna.

Aden is stiff and serious, staring ahead as if on lookout. Lexa breaks the silence after a while, "Nervous?"

He simply shakes his head, looking over to Lexa. She can tell he's trying so hard to look confident. But his soft eyes betray him.

"We won't be close to the blockade for another several hours." She says, then after a brief pause, "Tell me Aden, what would you do?"

Aden's mouth twitches with discomfort, he clenches his jaw before answering, "What do you mean Heda?"

"What would you do about Skaikru?" Lexa asks again.

He seems caught off guard by the question. "Um, keep trying to make peace with them, Heda."

"Yes, but how?" She prods, wanting more. "They are stubborn, they don't think they need us, that they are strong enough because of their weapons and technology." Lexa grins over at him, seeing him slightly flustered to be put on the spot, his eyes flick back at the other two nightbloods behind them as Lexa continues, "How do you convince them the Kongeda is in their best interest?"

The boy is quiet for a few minutes, Lexa is content giving him time to think the situation through. She glances back at the other two as well, to ensure they are paying attention.


"There's not one answer. This can play out in many ways. It depends what kind of leader you want to be."

More silence. She can tell Aden is searching for what Lexa wants him to say, always eager for her approval. She sees the gears in his mind churning, trying his best to predict what Lexa's plan currently is.

"Let's try this instead." Lexa insists, "What would Maffei likely have done?" She asks, referring to the second commander, from Boudalankru. Lexa was not yet even alive during his time. However she, just like all nightbloods before and after her, is tasked with studying all about previous commanders, through their record books of known battles and their outcomes, as well as any other important conflicts and information kept in the Room of Records in the tower. Each commander had a biography of sorts, or several, detailing everything known about their lives.

"Maffei was harsh." Aden finally says. "He would not have negotiated at all. He would have tried to eliminate Skaikru, and take their weapons and resources."

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