Pt. 39: We Were Children

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"Heda, everything you requested has been dropped off

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"Heda, everything you requested has been dropped off." Indra reports, approaching Lexa in the back of her throne room.

"Thank you Indra." Lexa stands next to her throne, watching the curtains dance in the breeze. Hearing that title again, her jaw clenches, and her mind wanders to the prisoner just above her on the roof stirring up the fire in her chest all over again. She's decided Ontari's execution will the first order of business when her council reconvenes, hopeful that it will give both Clarke and herself the closure they need.

"Heda you should not be away from the tower unprotected, are you sure you do not want guards around the perimeter?"

"No," Lexa asserts,  "No one is to know I've left the tower for the night."

"Yes, Heda."

"Commander." Lexa corrects.

"Excuse me?" Asks, Indra confused.

Lexa faces her general, "Address me as Commander from now on, please." Her eyes held Indra's gaze for a moment hoping her mentor would understand such a request would only come with good reason.

Indra nods in return, "Of course, Commander."

"Please let my guards and the staff know of this as well."

Indra nods again, "As you wish, Commander."

The door barely just closes behind Indra before Lexa hears it open again, slowly. A timid voice carries across the room.


Lexa turns to see Luna meander into the room, looking more formal than usual, her hair tamed but still wavy, face solemn, wearing her weathered jacket, several straps circling her waist holding her daggers and a pouch at her hip, like she was preparing to go somewhere.

Lexa turns back to face outside,  so Luna walks into the room, until she reaches the bottom of the stairs.

"Is there anything else you need from me Commander?"
Lexa's voice is monotone, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Luna steps up right next to Lexa to stand shoulder to shoulder, hands clasped behind her, also looking straight ahead out over the balcony, also keeping her voice monotone, "Is there anything else you require of me, before I return home, to Flokru?"

Luna steps up right next to Lexa to stand shoulder to shoulder, hands clasped behind her, also looking straight ahead out over the balcony, also keeping her voice monotone, "Is there anything else you require of me, before I return home, to Flokru?"

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