Warners brothers and sister reacts kevin Macleod soundtracks

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Yakko wakko and dot are sitting in a couch and got boring
As they watch robot vacuum cleaner cleaning the mess on the floor
Wakko "sigh this is boring"
Yakko " yeah I know baby bro"
Dot" there nothing to do around here"
Yakko " we'll I least brought robot vacuum cleaner from yesterday"

Wakko "hey can we watch something on YouTube "
Yakko " hmm sure"
7 minutes later
Yakko scrolling down picking some videos to watch on YouTube
Wakko " seen it, seen it, seen it, seen it, seen it, seen it, seen it and seen it
Yakko saw Kevin Macleod playlist
"who is Kevin Macleod" wakko ask yakko
Yakko went on google and type on the search
" who is Kevin Macleod?"
Yakko press enter and read
Yakko " he is an American composer and music producer. MacLeod has composed over 2,000 pieces of royalty-free library music and made them available under a Creative Commons copyright license"
Dot " Wow! He mad 2,000 musics"
Yakko " yes indeed and he was Born in 1972 (age 50 years), Green Bay, WI"
Dot " and Genres: Library music; film music; video game music"
Yakko " and some of music videos are adventures, horrors, chase, sad, funny and cool and very bunch of stuff"
Wakko " we'll there no way we could watch 2,000 musics that gonna take a mouth or days"
Yakko " hmm how about we watch 18 Kevin Macleod music video and we think of it"
Wakko and dot agrees
Yakko press Kevin Macleod playlist

First video

Second video

Third video

Fourth video

Fifth video

Six video

Seven video

Eight video

Nine video

Ten video

Eleven video

Twelve video

Thirteen video

Fourteen video

Fifteen video

Sixteen video

Seventeen video

Last video

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