I love you idiot 🔞

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Rain was so angry...!!!

He rings the doorbell and after 2min Payu opens the door....

Payu was so happy seeing Rain....
He knew Rain would definitely come for him....

Soon as Payu opened the door Rain pushes Payu and peaks here and there...

Payu : Oh sweetie why have you come here at this time...???
And what are you searching for ???

Rain was so nervous....!!!

Rain : With whom are you cheating on me...???

Payu : Cheating...???

We are not even boyfriends... why will I cheat on you...???

Rain : Don't act... you were speaking with someone and told someone to come home by 7pm...

Who is that...??? I will kill you if you try to lie to me now...

Payu was laughing at Rain's childish behaviour....

He wanted to hug the cutest Rain in front of him acting so childish....

Rain : Phi Payu... why the hell your laughing...???

Payu : Nothing... Nothing... cutie..!!!

Rain : Then tell me who is staying with you tonight here... whom have you called here...???

Payu cups Rain face...

Payu : Baby there is no one....

Rain : I don't believe you...
Your going on flirting with everyone from yesterday

Payu : My sweetie I was acting like flirting with everyone and that phone call I did just to make you jealous...

Payu takes his phone and shows Rain...

Payu : See I didn't call anyone....

Rain gets so mad....

He slaps Payu on face and holds his shirt collar

Rain : Why the hell would you do that...
So you take me for granted....

I hate you....!!!
I hate you...!!!

And Rain starts crying 😭

Payu : Baby please don't cry....
Please... am sorry... am sorry...

Rain : I really hate you...!!!

Rain starts to hit Payu on his chest cutely....

Payu puts his hands on Rain's waist and pulls him closer...

Payu : Baby look into my eyes and say that you hate me again...

Rain was crying like a baby...😭😭😭

He looks into Payu eyes....

Rain : " I LOVE YOU IDIOT "....
I love you so so much.....

Payu was literally so happy...

Payu : I knew it... you would come for me...
I knew it... your very jealous and possessive about me...

Am so sorry for making you jealous and angry baby....

" I LOVE YOU TOO ".....
I love you like crazy....!!!

And Payu wipes Rain tears and kisses on his both eyes....

Rain looks at Payu....

He points his finger on Payu chest and says...

Rain : Your only mine... am not giving you to anyone....!!!

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