Chapter Eight: I wasn't dreaming!

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Looking back at her father, she saw Mr. Marsh raise a single, furry brow as he waited patiently for his daughter's explanation. "H-He was right there," she said hastily, "I saw him from my window. It wasn't a raccoon at all, Dad, but a boy! A-And not just any boy, but a strange boy with pointy ears and silver eyes! You should have seen him. He could even use magic and-"

"Slow down, Emma," her father stated calmly. "I can't understand you if you talk that fast."

"I saw him, Dad! He flew out of the chicken coop with his hand stuck in the cage" she continued, her words falling from her mouth faster than her father could catch them. Luckily, her mother had finally joined them and was able to comprehend Emma's rambling perfectly. "I-I thought I was dreaming at first but then he smashed it! He completely broke Mr. Peridot's spell and the cage exploded! The whole house shook and-"

"Wait just a moment," Mrs. Marsh interrupted angrily. "Are you telling me that silly little charm Mr. Peridot used is what shook the entire house?"

"Yes," Emma huffed with Blu nodding eagerly beside her, "but only because the egg thief broke-"

"Curse that crazy, no-good wizard," Mrs. Marsh roared, her thin hands tightening into fists. At that moment, the vein that Emma had seen pop out of her mother's temple a handful of times made a triumphant return.

Mr. Marsh turned to his wife, eyeing her cautiously. "Donna, there's no need to get upset. I'm sure he had no idea-"

"I swear that mage has done it this time," she huffed. "What was he thinking! How irresponsible do you have to be to give a child something that could explode! When morning comes, I am going to give that wizard a piece of my mind. Grand Mage or not, it is about time he finally knew what a plague he's been to this city!"

Mrs. Marsh's harsh words caused Emma's brows to knit together painfully. "It wasn't Mr. Peridot's fault," she spat, causing her mother's icy glare to fall on her. "I already told you it was the egg thief. He broke Mr. Peridot's spell and-"

"Do not use that tone with me, young lady," Mrs. Marsh growled, placing her hands threateningly on her hips.

Emma's lips pressed together into a thin line as she glared back at her mother. "But, you're not listening to me!"

"I'm warning you, Emma! One more word and-"

"Is everything alright out here?" croaked the frail voice of their next-door neighbor, Mr. Finely. The old man peeked over the tall, white-picket-fence that was separating the Marsh's cluttered yard from the Finely's beautiful garden. His long nose hung over the fence as he eyed the three of them curiously.

"Oh, yes, everything's fine," Mr. Marsh answered as he waved politely to his rather nosy neighbor. "Hope we didn't disturb you too much, Mr. Finely."

"Disturb me," he scoffed. "Oh, no, you three could never disturb me. I simply love being woken up at the most inconvenient of times."

Mr. Marsh narrowed his eyes at the old man, trying to decipher whether or not he was being sarcastic. Laughing it off, he gave Mr. Finely a nervous grin. "W-Well, we were only having a little disagreement. Sorry if we woke you."

Mrs. Marsh crossed her arms over her chest before sticking her nose up in the air at her husband's explanation. Emma couldn't help but do the same, turning furiously away from her mother.

Meddlesome blue eyes peered at the two as Mr. Finely hummed in interest. "I wouldn't necessarily call that a little disagreement," he grinned. "Besides, no hard feelings, George. It wasn't you three that woke me up. Instead, it was this terrible tremor. Scared the misses half to death! She wouldn't let me fall back to sleep until I checked on her beloved azaleas." His eyes fell to Emma's wand in Mr. Marsh's hand. "But," he sang, "I'm sure you wouldn't know anything about that. Would you?"

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