❀ Chapter 19 ~ I'm Sorry

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❤︎ ZOHA'S POV ❤︎

I sat in a random guest bedroom crying in the bathtub. The water from the shower was running over me as I whimpered.

Why?......why did I have to be the one to end up with him as my husband? It could've been anyone but no, I was the one chosen to live a life full of pain and hurt....

I could feel my throat closing up and my heart beat rising from just thinking of the event that happened an hour or so ago.

I couldn't face him again....no! I refused to face him.

I wanted to go back to the club. I never thought those words would ever come from me but right now, at this very moment anything was better than being under the same roof as that monster.

My muffled cries ran through the bathroom, I could feel my body pulsing from the pain it had gone through.

I knew Dimitri was capable of many things but I was sure he wouldn't do anything this sick.....but I was wrong. I was stupid to believe a mafia boss would be sweet and gentle.

I stopped the running water and exited the bathroom. I changed into my clothes and took a deep breath before leaving the room I had entered. I wanted to leave this cursed place......but how could I?......

I looked outside one of the windows to see the guards. They were the only workers that were allowed to work overnight. I opened the door to the house and stepped outside. I was met with the cold breezy air and the deadly eyes of guards.

"Ma'am? What are you doing outside?" He interrogated me.

"Nothing. I just wanted to ask one of you if you could drop me off to the club? Please......Mr Petrov wanted me to go back before 8am" the lie slipped my mouth and he looked at me with indecisiveness.

"But boss ordered for us to not let you out" he raised and brow and the other guard agreed.

"Well he probably changed his mind. If you guys aren't able to drop me off there I'll happily walk" I smiled.

"I'm sorry Mrs Petrov.....but we can't let you leave unless sir allows for us to do so. Now, please get back in the house it's cold outside" I cringed at what he called me.....Mrs Petrov. Before trying to lead me inside he gave a quick smile.

"Please do not call me that. Call me Miss Hashim okay? I don't take his name" I hated that stupid name.

"Alright Miss Hashim, now as I was saying I'll take you inside" the guard spoke.

But I refused to go back inside "I swear I'm not lying your boss wants me to go back to the club. You wouldn't want to upset him when he finds out I'm still here" I challenged.

A sort of worry lashed over their faces "Ok Miss I think the best thing for us to do is to ask Sir. We'll call him okay?" He suggested the amazing idea of calling the monster.

"No- don't call him. He's probably asleep" I frantically made up excuses so that I wouldn't accidentally expose myself. The guard stared at me with suspicion.

"Ma'am, sir is never asleep this early" shit! What do I say now.

"Actually he was very drunk today after Anastasia's wedding. He wouldn't stop complaining about his headache and how tired he was" I once again lied. I mean at least I didn't lie fully......

"Oh not to worry Ma'am he's picked up the call. I'll put it on speaker" the guard spoke to me with sincerity.

"Yes Stefan?" He sounded cold and deadly as usual.

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