Chapter 4: Never have I ever

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"Never have I ever been drunk in my life!" Dan said and they all drank while I stared .

"No way, you never been drunk?" Jessy asked knotting her eyebrows.

"I like to keep myself in control. People loose it when they drink , I don't know what I can do when I'm drunk so better no."

"Well let's get you drunk tonight." Dan said with a smirk.

"Let's see that." I smirked back.

"My turn", Phil continued. "Never have I ever had a crush on MC."

Phil and Dan drank the glass while I stared in confusion.

"Dan you too? We thought you couldn't stand MC." Cleo asked surprised.

"Well I gave her the element of doubt. Then I got to know her better. It's not that I have a crush on her , I just like her." Dan explained finishing his glass.

"Yeah that's why you invited me to the movies." I mocked him , but Dan never blushes he just smirks rolling his eyes.

Jessy touched my arm with her elbow , trying to tell me something but we were interrupted by Alan Bloomgate.

"Hello guys! What are you playing?"

"Oh welcome chief of the Duskwood police , how can we help you!" Phil didn't look happy about his visit.

"I'm with my colleagues over there, I saw you and decided to say 'Hi'. What are you playing? "

"Never have I ever." Jessy responded.

"What was the last one?" Alan asked again.

"Never have I ever had a crush on MC ." Dan repeated what Phil said.

"In that case.." Alan took my glass and drank it.

We all stared at him with wide eyes.

" Ok see you later then, we're leaving . Have a good night." Alan said looking at me before he left the bar.

"It seems you guys have competition." Lilly mocked them.

"Hacker boy left, police man came. Cool." Dan rolled his eyes.

What just happened?


"I need to touch my make up, MC you did my make up, you have to fix it, come on." Jessy pulled me with her to the restroom.

"Why do girls always go in groups to the restroom? " Dan commented.

As soon as we entered the lady's room she sighed.

"I was trying to tell you something there. You know who else drank his glass about having a crush on you?" Jessy asked me with a weird expression on her face.

"Alan? " I asked confused.

"No, Jake. Jake is here. I recognized him from his eyes . He sat in profile from us. Lilly haven't seen him because he sat behind her. "

" Are you kidding Jessy?"

" He is here. I'm gonna go out now, I'll see if he will come towards the bathroom to see you."

" He will not, he doesn't care."

" We don't loose anything if we try." Jessy went out leaving me there.

I tried to breath, why was I hoping? Why did he come here?
A message came in my phone, was it Jake?

Jessy: "I think he left, he isn't here. "

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