
463 14 4

Somme River, France

1st POV

My name is Manfred von Richthofen, and this is the end of my story... or is it?

I closed my eyes and braced for ze impact as my Fokker plane crashed into the ground, but I suddenly felt my wound in my back and chest start to... move?

Manfred: Was zum? (What the?)

I opened my eyes to see I was in some sort of alley way.

RWBY Volume 1 Episode 1

Sanus, Vale

3rd POV

Manfred: I don't under- Wait, am I speaking English? Am I speaking normal English!? I am so confused!?

Manfred hopped out his wrecked Fokker Tri-Plane that was in the alley way. grabbing his Gewehr 98, bayonet, and his personal Luger P08.

Manfred: I... I need to find out what's going on.

Manfred walked down the streets getting some weird looks for him having his rifle slung on his back as he had his Luger in hand.

 Civilian 1: He looks weird.

Civilian 2: He does.

Manfred heard the conversations and started to question a lot of things.

Manfred: 'Did I land in the UK or something?'

Manfred then stopped at a store called 'From Dust Till Dawn'

Manfred: Dust? Interesting.

Manfred walked inside the store to see an old man behind the desk and gave a wave. The old man smiled at him as Manfred looked through the store looking for some answers.

After a few minutes though Manfred saw a group of men walk inside as he grabbed a magazine trying to not stand out.

Manfred: 'Don't want to start trouble.'

Manfred looked to his left to see a little girl standing there reading a weapons magazine.

Manfred: 'Scheisse'

Manfred then heard the group of men talking to the old man.

Roman: Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Dust shop open this late.

Manfred then saw one of the goons pull out what seemed to be a gun.

Manfred: 'Robbery!'

Shop Keeper: Please! Just take my Lien and leave!

Manfred: 'Lien? Dust? This is confusing. What country am I in?'

Roman: Shhh, calm down, we're not here for your money. Grab the dust.

Manfred: 'There's to many of them, I can't act now.'

Henchmen: Crystals. Burn. Uncut.

Manfred then saw one of the henchmen draw a katana at the girl.

Henchman: Alright kid, put your hands where I can see 'em.

Manfred: 'A katana!? And why is the girl not listening!?'

Henchman: Hey, I said hands in the air! You got a death wish or something!?

Manfred then watched the girl get turned around with the hood falling off her head revealing headphones.

Manfred: 'What are those?'

Ruby: Huh? Yes?

Henchman: I said, put your hands in the air now!

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