Chapter Three: He Cheated on Me with my Cousin

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There are many dirty clothes. Rose hasn't washed for ten days. Now that she is alone, she doesn't need to impress anyone. In the afternoon, she reads many books. Her favorite authors are Jules Verne and Alexander Dumas' books. From time to time, she also enjoys reading H. P. Lovecraft and Poe, but just in the morning, because she gets scared easily and doesn't want to have nightmares at night.

The idea of searching for human life and getting out of the city scares her. When her relatives died, she stayed inside her house for five months. She buried them in the back garden, one by one, using an old shovel that her father kept in the basement. The task took her over two days. Rose carried the corpses on her back. Now she's more mature.

In the mornings, she walks around and writes signals on the walls, but as vegetation grows, her drawings get lost. She is expecting someone to see her words and look for her. Something deep inside her tells her she's not alone. She's afraid of dying alone, or zombies, monsters or big radioactive animals eating her. When she was a teenager, she saw many zombie movies. Now she doesn't want to find any of those creatures walking outside. She would die starving inside her house rather than being killed.

There is almost no water, so she needs to look for the vital liquid. Trinity river is not very far from her home, just five miles away. What she hates the most is going to the river, but she must do it every two months when the rain doesn't fall and she can't save enough water. Three gallons left; in a week she is going out to get more.

When her family was alive, she used to be always busy, taking care of her little brothers, washing clothes and helping her mother. Sometimes she misses that kind of life. The house doesn't need maintenance; no one would see if it is dirty or clean, anyway she sweeps and mops almost every day. Her mother taught her to be a wife, but Rose didn't notice it, as she thought it was what every woman should do for her family. She never thought about getting married to a man, having children. Something impossible today that there are no men. Weeks before the war, she broke up with her boyfriend when she found out that he was cheating on her with his cousin. Well, his cousin in law, anyway, he was a liar. He was the only man she slept with. Thank God, she asked him to use protection every time they slept.

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