02. Taerae Hyung 2.0

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I walked down the street, it was already past 5 when I checked my watch. As far as I remember, it hasn't been so long since I left the house, why does time fly so fast?

There were people drinking here and there. I passed through a barbecue stall and its strong smoke coming from the grill hit my nose that made me cough.

I kept coughing and didn't realize that I bumped into a man. I turned around and bowed immediately, apologizing.

"I'm so sorry!" I bowed 90°, feeling embarrassed.

"Oh, it's oka-Yujin?" The man said, I looked up and saw a familiar face. He was a short man, the same height as Taerae Hyung. I was surprised to see a man who wasn't as old as I expected, he looks like he's the same as Taerae Hyung's age.

"Do I... know you?" I confusedly asked, he furrowed his eyebrows and his lips turned into a pout.

"What?! You don't remember me?!" He shouted, hands on his hips looking like my mom. Luckily, the people around us were too busy to give a fuck.

"...No?" I replied, hands on my backpack. He scoffed and took a step. He looks like an angry teddy bear, pfft.

"Hey, stop messing with me. I know damn well you still remember me!" He claimed, pointing his finger at my face. I gently pushed it away and walked out.

He scoffed in disbelief and followed me. Throughout our walk, his nonstop nagging continued. Seriously, why is he so loud? Just because I don't remember him he decided to harass me and invade my privacy? Come on, I just want to go home...

My feet halted and blankly looked at him, "Mr, don't you have something else to do? Invading one's privacy and harassing them, do you think that's fun? Especially, the one you're harassing is a minor who clearly doesn't know what you're talking about... I suggest you go find someone else to bother." I gave him a fake smile and walked away. He was so loud I thought my ears bled. *sigh*

Just as I thought he left me alone, I was startled when he appeared in front of me. What the hell does he want now?

"What do you want?" I asked, he's really starting to annoy me.

"I want to apologize. Did I scare you? I'm sorry. I was just really shocked when you didn't remember me, I'm Matthew, Taerae's friend? I'm actually one of his band mates. Earlier, I assumed you knew me but I forgot that whenever you come by our place, It's either I'm home or at school." He scratched his back and laughed shyly. Oh, he's Taerae Hyung's friend, that's why.

"Taerae and I are just the same age, I'd really appreciate it if you call me Hyung. You know, I heard a lot about you from him. He said that you were a good kid and is always willing to learn new things." He said in enthusiasm. Ain't no way he told him allat...

"Oh, he said that?" I shyly laughed, Taerae Hyung got some explaining to do.

"Yes! He even said that you always steal his guitar and bring your lunch and school bag even though you're ditching school! Don't worry, we did that too before, haha!" He kept sharing stories and all the things Taerae Hyung had told him. We kept walking and my mind flew into the spaceship, forgetting the fact that he was still talking.

I was zoning out and didn't saw a pole in front of me, I came into my senses when Matthew Hyung dragged me beside him.

"That was close! Watch where you're going next time, Yujin!"

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