04. New Start?

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"So, tell me what's the beef between the both of you."

Matthew Hyung asked after they told us to sit and calm down. They also called out for Ricky for no reason at all, I don't need him.


"He's that guy!" The kid shouted, making them look at him in confusion.

"Who?" They asked in unison,

"Him!" He pointed an accusing finger at me.

I widened my eyes, shocked from what I heard.

"I mean-yeah, you're familiar but it's not nice to just randomly shout at your Hyung, yeah?" I nervously replied, slowly walking towards them.

I jumped when I saw he was about to throw a punch at me.

"Woah, woah, woah! Calm down, kids! How about we talk things out and sit down for a moment?"


"Why did you come back?" I asked, annoyed.

"I wouldn't have if Hyung didn't call me." He rolled his eyes at me and sat down at the vacant seat, far away from me. I see what you're doing, huh.

He decided to sit where he's far from me so when this kid beats me up, he would just scroll on his phone, unbothered. This blonde guy is a fake friend.

I was staring at Quanrui so angrily until I flinched when Taerae Hyung flicked his fingers on my face.

"You're looking at him so much he might melt, Gyuvin."

"I'm not." I rolled my eyes and diverted my attention to the kid.

I saw him glaring at me so hard it's almost as if he wants to eat me alive.

I straightened my back and looked down, fidgeting with my fingers. The deafening silence filled the room as nobody dared to speak.

"He did something to me." The kid said, breaking the silence.

"I did not!" I shouted, defending myself.

"Yujin, what did he do?" Matthew Hyung asked, completely ignoring me.

"He stole my money." He replied.

"I did not!" I shouted again, but this time with widened eyes and a wide open mouth.

"Yes you did!" He shouted back.

"That was way back in elementary!" I exclaimed, it was in fact 4 years ago.

"But still, you stole my money!" The kid angrily said.

"Borrowed!" I replied.

Taerae Hyung shouted, making us flinch. We both managed to calm down and sit properly in our chair without almost falling down.

They asked Yujin to explain his side first before me.

"I was in Grade 2, he was a year older than me. It was after school, he stopped me from walking and asked for some money. I gave him all my money and he said he'll pay me back, but he never did. Ever since then, I've been holding a grudge against him." He explained, fidgeting with his hands. Matthew Hyung nodded, whilst Taerae Hyung kept silent.

And there's this Blonde guy in the corner just blankly staring at them with hands on his pockets, leaning back on his chair.

"In my defense, I thought we were close enough to ask him to lend me some money." I muttered, looking down.

"My mom almost killed me that day." He's tweaking...

"It can't be that much, right?" Ricky said.

"It was 10$."

"Oh, no wonder he never paid you back. Qubing's broke as hell." Ricky laughed and got up from his chair.

"Well, Gyuvin, care to explain your side?" Jiwoong Hyung asked. Since when did he get here?



"You could've still found a way to pay me back." Yujin muttered.

"I'll pay you back tomorrow." I smiled and patted his back.

"Nah, you can keep it to yourself." He mumbled. The fuck, I thought you want it back?

"Okay then, are we friends now?" I asked excitedly.

"Not a chance." He said and walked away.


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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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