Season 2 chapter 3

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"Moooom" Will whined "No more pictures we need to gooo" he frowned. I snickered as Mom insisted on taking some more of Will in his Ghostbusters costume. "Oh Y/n honey good morning!" My mom smiled "Mornin mom, Will, Johnathan" I yawned. "Hey sis-" Johnathan started when Will butted in "Y/n why aren't you wearing your costume!?" "Becauseee I have basketball practice in gym today I need to be able to quickly change into my uniform" I exclaimed laughing at his shocked expression. "Don't worry Willy the boys are all dressed up did you not hear them blowing up the walkie talkie allll morning." I rolled my eyes playfully. "If you say so" he sighed .

"Who you gonna call? ♪ - ♪ Ghostbusters! ♪" all four boys shouted 

Hey, Spengler! Egon! Yeah!  Venkman! Whoa! Whoa! What? -Why are you Venkman?

Because I'm Venkman.  No, I'm Venkman.

Why can't there be two Venkmans?

Because there's only one Venkman in real life. We planned this months ago.

I'm Venkman, Dustin's Stantz, you're Egon, and you're Winston.

" I specifically didn't agree to Winston"

"Yes, you did. I don't think he did. - 

No one wants to be Winston, man.

What's wrong with Winston?

What's wrong with Winston? He joined the team super late,

he's not funny, and he's not even a scientist!

- Yeah, but he's still cool. - If he's cool, then you be Winston.

- I can't! - Why not?

B-b-b because 

B-B-B Because you're not black 

I didn't say that!

You thought it!

I rolled my eyes at their fighting. "Uhm guys.. Why is no one else wearing costumes?" Dustin spoke up. "When do people make these decisions?!" He exclaimed as we walked in. "Everyone dressed up last year." Will sighed I patted his back in an attempt of comfort he smiled slightly at me. "We gonna do this?" I heard Dustin say "Not right now we look like morons" Lucas answered.  "Ok first of all you always look like morons" I teased earning and unimpressed look from the pair. "Second do what now?" "We're gonna invite Max to come trick or treating with us!" Dustin smiled. "Oh?" I asked "Yeah, you're more than welcome to ask her for us too!" Lucas said in a high pitched voice. "Nervous?" I laughed as the boys nodded "Maybe she likes Ghostbusters" I suggested. "Of course she like Ghostbusters  but that's not the point,  we're dressed up and she's not" Lucas sighed.

"Tell ya what, you guys ask her after class and I'll stand nearby to make sure you two don't say anything stupid or embarrassing and she doesn't totally reject you. Deal?" I held out my hand. "Deal! Thank you Y/n/n!" They shouted before running to class.

(After Class)

I watched as Dustin and Lucas nervously walked up to Max. "Uh hi Max I'm Dustin and this is-" he started "Lucas" the other boy Interrupted. "Yeah I know, the stalkers" Max said as she dug through her locker. She really must like calling people stalkers, or we are just that weird... "Uhm actually no we weren't stalking you" Dusty explained 

"No, we were just concerned because, you know, you're new and all. Yeah, for your safety." Lucas rambled. I held back my laughter as I watched them struggle but they finally got to the point. "So, we were talking last night, and you're new here. So you probably don't have any friends to take you trick-or-treating, and you're scared of bullies, so we were thinking that it would be okay if you come with us." I facepalmed in disappointment.  "It'd be okay?" Max repeated in surprise. 

●Only you● Max Mayfield x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang