Season 2 chapter 5

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"Stop being a baby and do it already!" Mike exclaimed. "This is so disgusting. Is this really necessary?" Max whined, I nodded in agreement. "What the hell's going on?" Dustin asked walking to us. 

"What do you think? We're looking for Dart" I said poking a bag with my stick. "Jesus!" Dustin yelled as Lucas hopped out of the dumpster. "Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to show up. After I drew the shortstraw. Real convenient." Lucas complained. "You stink!" Max exclaimed moving in between Dustin and I. "Hi Max" Dustin perked up. "Hi..?" She mumbled clearly uncomfortable as she moved closer to me. "Hi Max" I whispered half mocking Dustin, half actually greeting.  "Hi." She whispered smiling slightly. 

"Where's Will?" They asked me. "He'll be here." I lied. He definitely wasn't going to be here, something was going on but I wasn't allowed to know or help, I honestly just want to be there for my brother but sometimes it feels like I'm not even a part of the family anymore.

"Are you just gonna stand there? Or are you gonna help?" Mike asked Dustin tossing him a stick.

"We need to talk. AV room. Right now." Mike ran up to us later on that day. We sprinted for the AV room. "Party members only." Mike sternly said to Max who had an annoyed and slightly hurt look. "Mike, come on dude-" I started. "Y/n.. this is non-negotiable." He said softer. I now knew what he was talking about. "I- um Mike?" I whispered "Yes Y/n/n?" He sighed "I don't wanna leave Max here by herself, can you maybe fill me in later, sorry" I whispered back. "Yeah, sure" I mumbled before walking in and closing the door. 

"Are you not going in?" Max questioned, a confused look on her face. I shook my head "I'm staying out here with you. I didn't wanna leave you by yourself." I sat down next to her. "Oh. Thanks?" She sighed. Her head fell on my shoulder "you okay?" I asked putting my head on hers. "They're acting like second graders, keeping secrets and excluding me. It's just annoying I wanted to be in a group not some big secret." She rolled her eyes. "I know, it's sucky but it's nothing against you." I reassured grabbing her hand. "Okay.." she sighed. I stood up slinging my bag on my shoulder.

"Come on, let's ditch this shit hole"  I offered my hand to help  her up. I held her hand as we walked down the hallway. "Max, Y/n! Have you seen Dustin?" Lucas called after us but Max walked faster "Max! Hey where are you going? We need to look for Dart!" He ran to catch up with us. Max whipped around "Yeah you have fun with that" she muttered.  "What's your problem? " He exclaimed. "What's yours?" She fired back "I don't understand?" He questioned.  "No I dont understand! You guys act like you want me in your group and then you treat me like garbage!" Max shouted. 

"That's not true!" Lucas sighed  "Yes, it is! You go and hide in the AV Club, keeping secrets like we're in second grade or something. You know, I thought you guys wanted me in your party." she said angrily with a slight tint of hurt in her eyes. " We do. But it's..." He trailed off. "But what?" Max sassed. Lucas There... there are just things. Things we can't tell you, allright? For your own safety." he was right,  we couldn't tell Max. It would just put her in danger. I don't want that.

"My own safety?" she asked in disbelief. 

" Yes!"

"Because I'm a girl?"

-"What? No!"

"Did you keep secrets from El?"

"How do you know about El?"

"Did you?"

"That was different. Trust me. Okay? That was just... just different"

"Okay. You know what? Forget it, okay? I don't wanna be in your stupid party anyway. I'm out. Have a nice life." she stormed off. I looked between her and Lucas a few times. I mouthed a sorry to Lucas and followed Max. "You still stink, by the way!" She shouted.

She stopped at the door turning towards me "Shit Billy's here. I gotta go I'm sorry" she mumbled looking around frantically.  "Are you alright?" I asked placing my hand on her shoulder. She didn't move it but stepped to the side out of view from Billy.  "Yeah. Yeah I'm fine, I don't care about some stupid party anyway" she muttered 

"You're a bad liar" I laughed tilting my head. "Whatever. I guess I thought maybe I'd finally made  some friends and Hawkins would be different than California but clearly I was wrong. I'm still the loser who has no friends." She sighed. "Hey! One you're not a loser. Two ouch!" I exclaimed.  "Except you obviously, you're my best friend.. and currently my only friend but still" she giggled. 

"I'm sorry. We shouldn't be keeping things from you.." I started and she gave me a confused look "but Lucas is right. I don't want you getting hurt." I whispered . "Really? Are you fucking serious right now?" She asked, she wasn't even angry. Just hurt. Really hurt. Fuck why did I say that..

"You act like I mean so much to you and then you act just like them! And for what so you can "protect me"!?" She snapped.  "Yes! Exactly that!  Because you DO mean so much to me and I don't want you getting hurt!  Because if something happened to you I.."  I exclaimed "..It would kill me. Literally if you know what I mean" I finished softly.

"Y/n.. I- nevermind I have to go." She whispered biting her lips as if she were hold back tears. 


"No Y/n. If you don't want me getting hurt I gotta go.

What did I do..

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