chapter 1 a spark of magic Part 1 the reincarnation of a legend

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Fast forward to the day naruto was born. obito still made the 9 tails attack happen. but at the end something different happened. while minato was getting ready to seal half of the 9 tails within himself and the other half in naruto. he noticed something odd. minato "(I remember in my days in the academy they taught about souls and soul traits. along with everything else a ninja would need to know. But they said a person is normally only born with just 1 soul. the only exceptions are those who are somebody's reincarnation. and those who had souls sealed inside them the day they were born. and I have this feeling that the extra soul is one of the sons of the sage of 6 paths, as such I can trust all of the 9 tails to be sealed within naruto). kushina it seems like naruto was born with an extra soul. It seems to be 1 of the sons of the sage of 6 paths, this means he should be able to handle the entire 9 tails". it was just then that the 9 tails stabbed it's claw through minato and kushina. almost as if to remind them both of what's going on and force them both to make a choice they can't take back.

kushina "as much as I dislike this being the only option. We need the 9 tails to be sealed within naruto, and because of our injuries neither of us will live to be able to raise naruto". minato "if we both are going to die regardless of what happens. Then we might as well seal our souls inside naruto to ensure he has enough power to help protect his future, if you agree to this then it's pointless to seal half of the 9 tails inside myself".

kushina "it will help more than it could harm if we give naruto our souls. In addition to this if he is the reincarnation of a son of the sage of 6 paths. that would make naruto be a demigod in the eyes of the ninja villages. with our souls he'd be a full on demigod. but before we do that I need to write a message to explain stuff, and the message needs to also act as our will". kushina than started writing on a piece of paper while minato was preparing the seal. Kushina somehow managed to complete the will before minato completed the seal and had him sign it before she did as well. Minato then sealed the entire 9 tails. Along with his and kushina's souls into naruto.

When hiruzen arrived he saw a baby. the dead body of minato. And the body of kushina barely clinging to life. holding what appeared to be a will. kushina "Minato and I made this will. It explains what happened and our final requests, the one with the highest priority is we wanted you to raise mine and minato's son 'naruto' in our place". hiruzen then ordered some anbu to try to help ease the pain kushina was going through. Next hiruzen decided to read the will. Like kushina said.

among there final requests were for him to raise naruto and to provide an allowance to naruto so he would have the opportunity to chose his own path in life should he decide not to be a ninja. It also included that when naruto is of age he is to inherit the uzumaki estates. along with the namikaze estates. as he's the only known person from each of those clans who can inherit them, Along with requesting naruto to be seen as a hero for becoming the jinchuiki of the 9 tails as a way to prevent more deaths.

Hiruzen (given the amount of time they both had to write this. It's decent enough to secure a few paths he could take that would give naruto a nearly secure future, though for his own protection he will receive the last name uzumaki rather than namikaze to make it harder for minato's enemy's to find naruto). While hiruzen was thinking about that kushina passed away do to no longer having a soul in her body for as long as she did. Though not 1 of the anbu knew how to check if someone has a soul or were paying attention around when she died. As a result nobody for years would have even a clue that naruto had the souls of his parents sealed within him.

Fast forward a few years. Naruto started going to the library with hiruzen to learn about chakra. Hiruzen has been giving naruto an allowance and allowed naruto to live in his house. Unfortunately however the secret that naruto has the 9 tails sealed inside him ended up getting leaked. As such hiruzen made it an S class secret which in turn meant they could never publicly mention that without getting the death penalty until naruto was at least 16 or of the genin rank. Naruto was also starting to show signs of an above average intelligence and began to develop an interest in books and reading. Even from a young age naruto was gifted. It was almost like he was blessed by the gods.

A few years later and naruto saved hinata from being kidnapped by a diplomat from the cloud village. As well as protected hinata from some bullies. It started to gave hinata an obsession with naruto and her love for naruto. It wasn't long until she started stalking him and started learning to protect him from the shadows. But naruto himself has been looking into chakra and souls. He nearly learned everything about chakra that the library had to offer.

He even learned a few jutsu such as the clone jutsu. the transformation jutsu. and the body flicker technique. He even created his own variant of the transformation jutsu that swaps the gender of the user. Though he also learned both how to walk on walls and how to walk on water through the use of chakra. Though he began to wander if magic was real. Little did he know just how real it was.

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