After the War- Draco Malfoy

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If there's one thing I learnt from the war, It's that to measure the feeling you have for someone, you have to lose them. Because it was when I saw Harry Potter's lifeless body hanging limply in Hagrid's arms, that I realized what had what had been trying to hide behind my hatred all these years. The truth had exploded right in my face when I least expected it; when the world was falling apart around me.

I had fallen in love with him the way one catches a disease. Without wanting to, without needing to. Against my will and without being able to defend myself.

And during those minutes of chaos that felt like an eternity, I thought I'd lost him in the exact same way.

Harry Potter Oneshots I Wrote Instead Of Doing More Important ThingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang